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.·:*¨ REAL LIFE  ¨*:·.

"Love," she smiles upon hearing how he calls her. She opens her eyes, finding those green eyes looking directly at her.

"You know what?" She says, moving so that she is now on top of him as his hands go to her waist, keeping her in place. "I love waking up next to you."

"That's a good thing because you are going to see my face every morning for the rest of our lives."

"Why are you so sure about that? Anything could happen to us, like it has happened in the past," she bites her lip, making herself stop talking. That's one thing about Alice; she always expects the worst from every person and every situation. In that way, she feels more in control of anything that could happen. That's how Christian Horner raised her.

"I don't mean that," she then says, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "It's just... that's how my mind works, always expecting the worst out of everything. But believe me when I tell you that I really hope to see you there in bed next to me every morning. Because whenever we are together, everything just feels perfect and real, like everything falls into place even when my world is falling apart. You are the only one capable of doing something like that. It's you," she says, now opening her eyes and gazing into those green eyes. "You aren't my first, but I hope you are my last."

"I will be. I won't let you go that easily, Alice Horner. I love you, and you are my everything."

"I love you." She has never meant those words like that before. "I love you," just three words she wasn't used to using, but that was it, words. Anyone could say them even when they didn't mean them.

Not Alice; she never told a boyfriend before that she loved them. She wasn't able to let the words out. Even one time, she considered that there was something wrong with her. Everyone should say them so easily, but there was a part of her that didn't allow it.

Until Charles.

With him, she wants to tell him how much she loves him all the time, meaning every single word. Meaning it every time.

"What's on that mind of yours?" He asks, cupping her face between his hands.

Alice leans in, her eyes locked onto Charles's, and she places a tender kiss on his lips. It's a kiss filled with all the emotions she has difficulty expressing in words. The warmth, the love, the hope for their future together. It's a kiss that says more than words ever could.

As they break the kiss, Alice rests her forehead against his, their breaths mingling. "I can't imagine my life without you now," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "You've changed everything for me, Charles."

He smiles, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "And you've changed everything for me, too, Alice. You've shown me what it means to truly love and be loved."

Their connection is deep and meaningful, built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and genuine affection. It's a connection that both of them cherish and are determined to nurture every day.

Alice shifts slightly, snuggling closer to Charles, her head resting on his chest. The room is filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart. At this moment, they both realize that they've found something incredibly special, something worth holding onto.

Charles speaks again, his voice soft, "Come with me, the drivers are thinking of going to Greece for the summer break, will you come with me?"

Alice smiles as she listens to Charles's invitation. It's a tantalizing idea, spending the summer break in Greece with him and the other drivers. She can already imagine the picturesque landscapes and the adventures they could have together.

Her fingers gently trace patterns on his chest as she considers the offer, her heart racing with excitement. "Greece sounds amazing," she replies, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I'd love to come with you."

He smiles at her with a loving gaze, leaning in to press his forehead against hers. "I can't wait to spend the summer next to you."

He smiles, guiding her hands up from his bare chest to his neck, then making circular motions on his cheek. "Is this our first time going on vacation to a place other than Monaco?" She asks, and indeed, this would be her first time traveling with a boyfriend in her entire life. Even though her life is centered around traveling, this time feels different.

"This is one of our first times, ma chérie."

"What do you mean?"

"When I met you, I knew I wasn't your first, so I treasure every time I get to experience a 'first' with you."

"You know what's more important than a 'first' time?" She asks, and he shakes his head. "Being my 'last' one, and I'm sure you will be. I can't imagine myself with anyone else."

"Don't, because I'm planning to stay for as long as I can," he replies, and she closes the tiny gap between their faces, pressing her lips into his. This kiss is different, filled with unspoken promises of a future and a deep connection that binds them. 

.·:*¨ AUTHORS NOTE  ¨*:·.

Hey, I know it's been more than a month since the last time I posted something here, or in any of my fanfics, to be honest. I wasn't feeling my best; things happened, and I decided to take some time away from this platform.

Now, talking about racing, I started to dislike my fanfic, and finding inspiration was incredibly difficult. I even contemplated never finishing it. However, I didn't want to leave Alice and Charles without a conclusion after everything they had been through.

So, I decided to take some time off, and it truly worked. I wrote this chapter, and I'm happy with how it turned out. I'll do my best to post as regularly as I can, considering I'm back in school now and don't have as much free time as before.

Nonetheless, I'll try my best.

Anyway, we're getting closer to an end, even though I'm not quite ready to say goodbye. I believe this story is coming to a conclusion, and I've written everything I initially planned when I started thinking about it.

However, this isn't the ultimate end. I have five more chapters planned, maybe even more, but for now, there will be just five more chapters dedicated to Charles and Alice.

After that, I'll start posting another chapter about Charles Leclerc in English if you're interested. During my time off, I wrote some chapters. Here's a sneak peek: it's a story that begins with a stolen kiss.

My new fanfic will be titled "Stolen Kisses," a story that's fully developed in my mind, but I'm still working on it. Unlike my other fanfics, it won't exist in the same universe; it's a stand-alone story.

That's all for today.

I love you all and thank you for your patience. 💜💜

Also, a big thank you for helping me reach 159K followers; that's truly amazing. I never thought I'd achieve something like this.

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