1. first day gone wrong

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Isabellas POV: foul language⚠️

I opened my eyes and looked around my best friends room and I saw she wasn't sleeping next to me.
"Peyton! Where are you?" I see Peyton walk out the bathroom already dressed in her outfit, she's wearing jeans and a black crop top
"Hey, why didn't you wake me?" I asked her climbing out of bed going to my suit case I haven't unpacked yet.

"I thought you would like an extra hour of sleep" Peyton said. "Oh yeah thanks" I pull out my phone and I check the time "shit! Now I barely have any time to get ready!" I say abit to harshly to my best friend


After I get ready I see I only have 5 minutes to get to school "I guess no breakfast today" I say to myself and I grab my bag and head out the door with Peyton

"are you excited to be back?" My best friend says breaking the silence
"Eh I guess so, I'm just not very excited to see my dad later today..."
Peyton grabs my hand trying to comfort me but it doesn't really work
"I could go come with you when you go see him, I have nothing else to do after classes" I look up at her, Peyton and me have been best friends since the third grade and ever since we met we have been inseparable. I've told her almost every about me....and the day I told her about my dad she went out and bought me all my favorite snacks and she made be have a movie night with her and she let me cry my heart out, she didn't judge me she just listened to my problems and she tried her best to comfort me.

"Izzy?" My best friend snaps me out my thoughts when she uses the nickname she gave me when we first met. "Hmm...what happened?" I look at her confused. "We are here" "oh!"
I look around at the college. They just built this college a few years ago, so it's fairly new. It's a pretty big brick college with huge windows. It almost looks like a castle. The entrance has a huge wooden door with a banner at the top with the colleges name on it. "Wow it's beautiful here, this place looks like its for royal people" Peyton says excitedly. I laugh at her excitement "Peyton we have to go in or where gonna be late"
I pull out my schedule and I look what my first class is. "Peyton I'll see you later alright?" "Okay, bye bye Izzy" I watch her walk off and I start making my way to class

I keep getting lost trying to find my way to class, this campus is huge. "I'm already 10 minutes late" I say out loud. I pull out my schedule again and I look over it again while walking around like a blind person.

"Ughhh" I feel my body hit something, it's not a wall, but a person "oh my god I'm so sorry"
I look down from embarrassment not wanting to make eye contact with the person

"Watch where you're going, dumbass"

Wtf I apologizd. I look up to meet the deep voice and green eyes I thought I would never see again.....

Sebastians POV:

I looked down at the girl who bumped into me and I couldn't put my finger on who she is, she looks oddly familiar. "Watch where you're going dumbass" I said that more harshly then I wanted but I don't care I'm already having a shit day, first my dumbass of a best friend, Marcus forgot to wake me up, second my other friend Owen stopped the washer so now I don't have my hockey jersey for practice after classes, and now some some stupid girl not looking where she's going bumped into me. Once she looks up and we make eye contact I see who she is. I definitely know her I just wished I didn't.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I stormed off without letting her respond

(This is short because it's the first part plus it's my first book/ this kinda sucks)

707 words

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