13. shes real pissed

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Sebastians POV:

I come downstairs, and the first thing I see is Mia cuddled up on the recliner. I look over, and I see Owen cuddled up to Isabella's side.

"What the fuck?" I said before that I could stop myself. "Shut up, you asshole; you're going to wake up, Mia." Isabella whispers and screams at me.

"Why the fuck are you cuddling up to my best friend?" She smirked when I said, "First of all, that's none of your business. Second, I thought Marcus was your best friend. Third, he's cuddled up to me. " Fucking smart ass

"Marcus and Owen are both one of my best friends; get up; I don't want you to give him any diseases."

She laughs at that. What a beautiful laugh! What the fuck! Shut up. She sounds like an otter when she laughs.

"What diseases would I give him?"
She asks

I shrug "AIDS or something I don't know." She rolls her eyes and says, "You can only get that through sex, you stupid bitch, but I mean, you probably don't know what sex is since you've never had it." Wtf is she retarded? Why would she say that?

""Like you have any room to talk. You've always been lonely. Even when we were kids," she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed and puffed when I said that.

"You don't know anything. I was going through a really hard time, and I still am. Plus, you're just as lonely as I was." She's a dick.

"Yeah, but at least I loved myself. You were always complaining about yourself," I say and start laughing, but when I look at her, my laughter dies down as soon as it comes.

She's got tears in her eyes.

"Fuck you!" She pushes Owen off her, and she stands up, grabbing her stuff, and she goes to the door. "Isabella, wait, im sorry." She ignores me, and she just walks out.

I hear her car pull off, and she is gone.

"Agh...wtf? Why am I on the floor?" I look over, and Owen is lying on the floor, rubbing his eyes.

I just stormed off to my room.


It's the next day now, and I'm not looking forward to it. First, I have to apologize to Isabella, which I don't want to do. Second, I have this stupid biology test that I was supposed to study for, which I didn't.

Worst of all my favorite teachers, quite, because I guess qout on qout he had enough of this school's shit and he doesn't get paid enough.

"What is the matter with you?" Marcus and Owen won't stop pestering me there, like fleas or mosquitoes.

"Can yall just leave me alone?" I say, and Owen frowns and starts fake crying. "Don't yell at me. I'm just trying to help," Owen says, and I laugh.

Marcus smacks his head in the back, and I start dying laughing.

"Owwwwwww what the fuck was that for" Owen yells at Marcus. 

Marcus and Owen are like brothers; well, I mean, they basically grew up in the same house. Marcus and Owen were neighbors when they were kids. They lived right next to each other, and they became best friends. They had sleepovers and just hangouts like every day. So they became pretty close.


I'm now heading to the class I have with Isabella. This is going to be torture.

"I hate this class so m-" I hear Isabella talking, but she stops when she sees me.

She stood up and walked out of the class with all her stuff. What the fuck? I pissed her off so much that she couldn't even be in the same room as me.

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