9. What Happened?

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Isabellas POV

We all went up to go into Marcus's hospital room, and that's when there was a thud, and I turned around and saw Peyton on the floor. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen. She looks really pale and sweaty, and I start screaming.

I'm screaming because my mother passed away the same way: one moment she was fine, the next she was gone. I can't lose Peyton; she's the only one who cares about me; she's like my sister.


It's been hours... HOURS, and we haven't heard anything about Peyton, and we aren't allowed to see her.

Marcus got cleared a few hours ago, and now we are all just waiting on Peyton. I think Marcus really likes her; he's more nervous than me, and it's actually really cute.


Sebastian keeps staring at me, and I don't know why; maybe it's because I'm shivering, but that's only because it's freezing in this hospital.

I'm staring off into space when I feel something being draped over me, and when I look up, Sebastian is putting his jacket over me.

"You're turning purple, Isabella." That's actually kind of sweet.

"Shouldn't you let me freeze to death or something?" I say this to him, and he glares at me.

"I'm not a monster." That's debatable.

"Sure you aren't," he says, rolling his eyes at me.

Sebastians POV:

Marcus got cleared awhile ago, and the only reason I'm still in this disgusting hospital is because Marcus is really nervous about Peyton.


I look over at Isabella, and she looks miserable. Her face is turning purple, I'm guessing from how cold this hospital is, and her eyes are full of tears. Her leg is bouncing up and down. She keeps messing with a hair band on her wrist, and her wrist looks super red.

I kind of feel bad for her; she looks like shit right now. She doesn't look ugly; she's just super exhausted.

Before I can stop myself, I take off my jacket and wrap it around her.

"You're turning purple, Isabella," I say to her.

"Shouldn't you let me freeze to death or something? I glare at her, and I say, "I'm not a monster."

"Sure, you aren't." Are you kidding me? I try to be nice to her, and she just acts like a dick about it.

I walk away and go outside.


I'm sitting outside on one of the benches, and I feel someone sit next to me and say, "Thank you." Her soft voice comes out almost like a whisper.

"For what?" I look at her, and there's a slight smile on her face; it's almost cute in a way.

"The jacket, and I'm sorry for being a dick; I'm just nervous, and I thought you were doing something just to be an asshole." Never in my life did I think I would ever hear Isabella Thompson apologize to me.

"It's okay." She nods and turns her head away, and I could hear her faint sniffing. I feel really bad now. I don't know why. I hate her, but seeing her cry makes my chest ache.

"She's going to be okay, you know." I say I'm hoping that will cheer her up a bit, but that's when she turns back to me.

"You don't know that! Her eyes are all puffy, and her face is tear-stained.

"You're right, I don't..." She just cries more, and before I can stop myself, I pull her into a hug.

She doesn't fight it, which is surprising, but the more surprising thing is that she wraps her arms around me and cries into my chest.

"I can't lose her; she's the only family I have." That's not true... she has her father.

"What about your father?" I don't know what I said wrong, but she pushed me away and stood up. "He's not my family, not anymore."

"Why not? what happened?" Her expression changes completely; at first it was sadness, but now it's completely hatred and anger

"Why should I tell you? Huh? So you could run off and tell the whole world? Or find some way to ruin my life with it? I'm not telling you; you will tell my dad, and he will kill me." He'll kill her? What does that mean? Is she being real? It's hard to tell with her.

Isabella, what happened?
She just shakes her head and runs back inside, leaving me with my question. What happened?

753 words

This is shortish lol

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