2.seating arrangements

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Sebastians POV:
⚠️some foul language⚠️

I'm furious she told me she was leaving for good, At first I was kinda sad when she said she was leaving because me and her where quit close before everything went down. I'm still mad at her for what she did and said and I sorta regret what I said and did but it's in the past, she doesn't matter to me anymore.

Once my first class ended, my professor was a dick, I know I'm gonna hate that class but now I'm on my way to biology with Marcus.

When I walk in the first person I see is Isabella standing next to a girl with like a brown ish ginger hair.
"Why the fuck is she here" I whisper over to my best friend "probably because she goes to the same college and registered for the same class, seb dont be ridiculous its been what a few years" I glare at him "Marcus you know what happened between us, so don't say I'm being ridiculous"
I look over at Marcus because he wasn't responsible and all he's doing is staring at the girl next to Isabella do I just walk away from him and I go to the professor " sir, where do I sit" "what's your last names" names?
I turned around and see Isabella behind me but I just ignore her I can't handle her bitchy ness anymore "my last name is Anderson"
"Mine is Thompson" I hear her telling the him.

He pointed to two desks in the back. You've got to be kidding me, first she's bumps into me now we have to sit next to each other, this school year is gonna really suck. Me and Isabella walk back to the desks and she sits in the left one closest to the window and I sit in the right one. I try and move as far as I can in the desk away from her and she does the same.

I look over to my best friend for help but he's deep in conversation with the ginger haired girl. Great just great, I have to sit next to the one person I hate most in the world and my best friend is no where near me so I can't even talk to him.

Peytons POV:

Me and Isabella have the same class, biology. I love biology so does Izzy, well she did that was until he walked in, Sebastian Anderson. Izzy never told me what really happened between them so all I know is that she hates him and he hates her. So when they got seated together I knew it wasn't gonna be a good year for her.

Well now I'm in a deep conversation with a cute boy, his name is Marcus. I saw him walk in at the same time as Sebastian so I don't know if they know each or not, and I'm not gonna ask that would be weird I barely know him, I'm not a stalker
"Are you gonna go to the hockey game tonight? The game is late at night tho because we have to get in one more practice"
His question snaps me out my thoughts "oh uhhhh maybe, I'm supposed to hang out with my best friend izzy but I can probably drag her to the game"

I watch as he nods writing something down on a peace of paper and he hands it to me "it's the time and address of the game if you decide to come" I put the paper in my pocket "I'll probably-" I get cut of my the professor talking about what stuff he's gonna cover this year

Marcus POV:

I'll probably-" the girl I just met, Peyton get cut off by the professor. Now I'm curious on what she was gonna say hopefully we have more classes together.


Halfway through the class period the professor told "I've covered most of what we will be learning this year so I suppose yall can get to know your new class mates"
I look to my left and see Peytons already looking at me and she's smiling "Hey could you finnish what you where gonna say, I'm curious now"

I say, she laughs abit and starts talking "ya of course, so what I was saying was that I'll probably be there, but it's gonna be difficult to get my friend out the house because she just moved back and she hasn't unpacked yet and she's stressed because...oh shit she has to visit her dad today, but I'm sure she would rather go to this anyway"

I nodded and the conversation really just ended there, I kinda wish it didn't because she's easy to talk to and she doesn't judge. Well it doesn't seem like she does but I don't really know I didn't really say anything that someone would judge but I guess it's just a feeling

Class ended about 10 minutes ago and now it's just be and Sebastian in the hallway talking, well he's talking I'm just thinking about if Peyton is gonna come to the hockey match.

"I really hope she doesn't show up with her snot nosed friend at the hockey game tonight"

I glared at him for say 'her snot nosed friend'
"Peyton isn't a snot nosed friend, she's nice"
Sebastian started walking to class and he yells back to me "yeah whatever you say"

"Sebastian wait!" I watch as my best friend walks back over "what? I'm late to class" "sebdontbemadbutIknidainvitedPeyonandshesaidshe'sbringingIsabella"

He looks at me confused "what slow down, I didn't understand a word you just said"

I slow down when I speak this time
"I said, seb dont be madbut I kinda invited Peyton and she said she's bringing Isabella"

Sebastian stormed off. Great now he's pissed at me. It's not even my fault I didn't know she was gonna bring Isabella but if I did know I probably would have still invited her.


It's the end of the day now and I'm just waiting outside for Sebastian to pull the car up.

I see Peyton in the driver seat of her car with Isabella getting in the passenger side, but all I can think about right now is if she's coming to the game tonight, I really hope she's does

Finally Sebastians slow ass pulls up and I get in the car "where gonna be late to practice because of you"
When I said that he glared at me "you should drive next time then you ass"
and finally he started driving to the hockey rink

I hope she's there

1100 words

If there is anything wrong with this part I'll try and fix it later on

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