15. He knows

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Isabellas POV:

SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I mean it's not that bad but it means I have walk to his house and I don't want to!

I have his jacket! And they have his damn house keys in the fucking pocket!!

I downstairs to see my dad's still not home, that's good.
I put on my shoes and grab his coat and walk outside, good thing he only lives 3 blocks away, walking distance.


I'm about 10 minutes into my walk and it starts DOWN POURING and it's dark out!

"This couldn't get any worse!" Just as I screamed that a fucking car drove past and splashed me. "WHAT THE FUCK!!"

I stomp the rest of the way there


I just got here and Sebastians car isn't in the driveway...hmm weird.

I knock on the door. No answer

I ring the door bell. No answer

"Ughhh" I plop down on the steps and wait.


45 minutes before: Sebastians POV:⚠️abusive dad⚠️

I just got home. Damn it! My keys, there in my coat! You might think that's not a bad thing but it is! Isabella has the coat.

I get back in my car and I drive to her house.


Once I get there I see a car I don't recognize. Hmm

I get out the car and I knock on the door.

The door swings open.

"What do you want!"
The man smells like straight up alcohol and cigarettes.

"Mr.Thompson is Isabella here" he looks like he's disgusted with me

"I don't know! I just got home, how do you expect me to know?!"
He spits in my face. Asshole

"She has my house keys" he starts laughing after I said that. "Something funny Mr. Thompson?"

"I fucking knew it" He slams the door in my face and I hear him start screaming

"Isabella you fucking whore! Your fuckboy boyfriend is here! Saying he needs his keys!? What a liar. We all know why he's actually here...."

I hear him stomp up the stairs and his screaming fades out after awhile....

"What the fuck" I say as I get in my car.

I start driving back to my house.


I'm almost to my house and I'm starting to get more worried. Should I cal the cops or go check on her myself...probably myself I do need my keys after all but I'm more worried about her.

I don't know if I should!


Present: still Sebastians POV:

I pull up to my house, my nerves growing at the second.

I step out my car and see a soaking wet Isabella on my porch.

"Isabella!" Before I can even think I run and pull her in to my arms, she's freezing cold.

She freezes and after abit her arms wrap around my waist "I brought your jacket and keys." Her soft voice says in to my chest.

"Are you okay!? We have to call the cops! And you're definitely not going home" I say abit to loudly because she winces.

"Why what happened" she looks up at me.

"Your dad! He's a psychotic!" As I say that her eyes widen and she pushes me away and stands up.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she just shakes her head.

"Don't get cops involved please..." She looks at me with teary eyes.

"Isabella why not...? He's clearly not well"

"He's always like that. The cops aren't gonna help, just please no cops" she begs

"Fine but you're not going anywhere near that house till he's sober he smells like a bar threw up on him"

"But-" I shake my head "No buts" after that she just nods.

"You're freezing let's get you inside and washed up, okay?" She just nods again..she won't really talk now...


~630 words~

This sucks but it will hopefully get better

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