4. jealous?

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Isabellas POV:

Me and Peyton finally arrived at the rink; it only took 10 minutes because it's a home game.

I got out of the car shivering; shit, I forgot my sweater. "Hey Peyton, do you have a sweater by chance?"

"I told you to bring one, Izzy." The fuck, no, she didn't. "No, you didn't."
She laughs at me. Wow, I'm freezing to death, and she's laughing at me. "I was thinking about it." she thinking of telling me to bring a sweater? "Such a good friend you are." She's shoves me gently

"Why aren't there really any other cars? It's just us and the hockey team, it looks like."
I looked over to her, and she's red as a tomato. "Uhh, I wanted to get here early so we could get food and not wait in lines the whole time." She's totally lying; she's never really been a good lier, even when we were kids, like the time she stole my favorite shirt and she told me my father took it. Yeah, not very convincing.

Or the other time she had a crush on this boy, she would blush like a maniac and try and convince me that they were just friends, and they started dating like 2 weeks later, but they didn't last very long, and I'm glad because I didn't like him because he was rude to everyone, including her.

"Can we go in now?" Her question snapped me out of my thoughts: "Yeah, sure, but why did we really come this early?" She's smiling again. I love her smile. "I promise it's just so we don't have to wait in line." I've decided not to push it; she'll tell me eventually. and with that, me and her both walk in.


Peyton told me to go find seats while she went and got food. I asked for a churro and a hot chocolate, and she's, I guess, getting a corn dog and a hot chocolate. She should be back by now, but she's not; it's been half an hour. There still aren't many people here, so we came really early.


I'm really cold, to the point where I'm shivering. Peyton is still not back, but I did see her at one point talking to the boy she met. I'm pretty sure his name is Marcus, but I kind of forgot.

I feel someone sit down next to me, and I say, "Peyton finally-" it's not Peyton, it's a boy, he's got blonde hair and like really pretty hazel eyes, he's not bad looking, "Hey you okay?"
I'm confused now. "Are you talking to me?" He smiles and says, "No, I'm talking to the seat." He's got jokes, and he seems nice. "Yes, I'm talking to you. You're all alone, and you look like an ice cube, but I'm guessing you have a friend here because you did call me Peyton."

He starts taking off his hoodie, and I ask, "What are you doing?"
"Giving you my hoodie" Aww, that's sweet. I guess, "Oh, you don't have to."
He hands it to me: "I insist; also, my name is Owen, plus I don't need the hoodie right now; I have to get in my jersey and stuff anyway." Oh! He's one of the players. "Do you play for here or the other team? "Here," he responds sweetly, "thanks." I put it on, and he walks away over to his team's locker room.

Sebastians POV:

I watch as Owen gets up and leaves the conversation between me, him, Marcus, and Peyton. Weird

I don't really pay attention to him leaving because Peyton is talking about her best friend Isabella. I just roll my eyes and look to see where Owen went, and what do I see? He's next to the person I hate the most in the world, Isabella. But he's not just talking; he's giving her his hoodie.
What the fuck? I don't know why, but I don't like it one bit.

Owen leaves her side, and I don't know what went through my mind, but I find myself right next to her.

She glares at me. I haven't even said anything yet.

I hand her my hoodie and say, "Wear that instead." The words come out of my mouth before I can even stop them.

What, no, why?" She says it like I am disgusting.

"Because it's softer." I don't know what is wrong with me today, but she slowly nods and takes off his hoodie and puts on mine, and I just grab Owen's hoodie and storm off.

I walk in to the locker room, and I spot Owen, and I throw his hoodie at him.
"What was that for? And why do you have this hoodie? I gave it to someone."

"You gave it to Isabella, dumbass."

His eyes widen but go back to normal. "Oh, but I don't care; she was freezing; go give it back."

I shook my head, and Owen looks confused now. "I gave her my hoodie."

"Why? I thought you hated her. Oh shit, you were jealous, weren't you?"

I'm not jealous. "No, I'm not." Why would I be jealous? I hate her.

"Sure you're not."

I roll my eyes at him; he's just stupid. I'm not jealous; my hoodie is just softer.

"Get ready; the game is going to start soon," and with that, me and all the boys started getting ready.

Isabellas POV:

Peyton's finally back with the food. "Peyton, where did you go, and don't even try to lie?"

"I was talking to Marcus, and there is an after party we are going to go to-hey, you got a hoodie? Whose is it?"

This is about to get awkward. "Uh, it's Sebastian's, but it's a really long story."

"Tell meeeeee" she basically yelled in my ear, "fine, fine, so basically some guy named Owen-"

"Owen!? I just met him; he's friends with Marcus and Sebastian," she yells.

"Really?" "Yup"

All I can do is nod and say, "Well, Owen saw that I was freezing, so he gave me his hoodie, and when he left, Sebastian walked up and told me to wear his because it was softer."

Peyton's eyes widen. "He was jealous."

No, he wasn't; he hates me. "No, he wasn't."


The game finally ended, and Sebastian's team won by like 6 points. I think I wasn't really paying attention.

Peyton's dragging me to the after party, but I don't want to go, but I have to drop off Sebastian's sweater. Also, the party is at Sebastian and Marcus's house; I think Owen might live there, but I'm not sure.

I'm going to drop off the sweater and leave

~1115 words~

This one kinda sucks but it's okay

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