12. first day

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Isabellas POV:

~2 weeks later~

I can't do this anymore! Not one second fucking longer!

"Can yall stop! It's pissing me off!" Peyton and Marcus finally stop eating each others faces off. Yes eating each others faces off, they have been like this ever since Marcus apparently went to her house and apologized and now there fucking dating.

"You're just jealous! Why don't you call Sebastian over" she winked. Fucking winked what's wrong with her! "You're disgusting!!" She laughs

"I'm going home, bye Peyton and....Marcus" he smiles

"Why are you going home! Izzy stay" I shook my head

"I start my first full day babysitting Sebastians sister" she nodded "have funnnnn"

I rolled my eyes and walked out


This is gonna be a shit show. I got a text from mias mom saying

"So since it's your first full day watching Mia, I'm gonna have my son Sebastian stay with you guys. I promise he won't but in or anything, the only reason he's staying is because I want to make sure I can trust you with my daughter. BTW she hasn't eaten dinner I'm so sorry, it would be great if you can feed her"

I guess I'm bringing take out.


I picked up Chinese food now I'm on my way to Sebastians house. I got Mia and I some food....and Sebastian to.

I'm sitting outside there house still in my car debating going inside that's when the door opened and Sebastian walked out.

He opened my car door "are you just gonna stay in your car the whole time?" He chuckles "No I'm not but can you grab the food from the back?" He looks at me confused and he says

"Food? You bought food? Why?"

I shrugged "well your mother said Mia hasn't eaten dinner and im guessing you haven't either so I got Chinese food. I know you like that or you used to" he opened my door wider letting me out "how much was it?" He asked while opening my door wider letting me out "thank you. Also don't worry about it"

He grabbed the food from the back seat thats when I heard squealing from behind me. "ISABELLA!!!" Mia screams

"Mia! I brought food" she smiles and runs over to Sebastian trying to take the food from him "Mia stop let's bring it inside before you try and dig in" he laughs


We are sitting in the living room eating "Isabella I have a boyfriend" Sebastian crossed his arms after Mia said that "No you dont" Sebastian says

"Yes I do seb, his name is Owen" he bursts out laughing "Should we invite Owen over then" she nods her head and Sebastian calls someone.


About an hour later I heat the door bell ring and Mia runs to the door

"OWEN!" Mia screeches

Mia and.... OHHH THAT OWEN. The one from the hockey game

He looks over at me and smiles

"oh hey Isabella, what are you doing here?" I smile back "I'm Mia's nanny"

He smirks "IS THERE ANYWAY FOOD LEFT!?"  I nod and he jumps over the couch and he slips and he falls on the floor "I'm okay!" He stood up grabbing some of the food.

"Oh shoot I forgot to use my manners. Can I have some of the food? I'm gonna have some either way though" before I can even answer he starts eating

"Where's Sebastian?" He says with a full mouth "he went out on a date or something" Mia chimes in "No he didn't he went upstairs to his room"
Owen nodded

"Can I put something on the tv?" He looks at me with puppy dog eyes "you don't even get to ask" he smiles and he lays on the couch with his legs on my lap "Mia what do you want to watch. But it can't be frozen" Owen askes Mia

She frowns "but I loveeeee frozen....ummmm hoe about a scary movie" he shook his head "last time you watched a scary movie you had nightmares" she made a pouty face

"Ughhhh fine. Let's watch IT" Mia turned off the lights and she went and sat on the recliner next to the couch me and Owen where on


It's been about half an hour and Mia and Owen are both asleep I still haven't seen Sebastian since we ate but whatever.

I go to stand up and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I look down and I see Owen "I was comfortable sit back down" he says with a sleepy voice. "I need to get a drink" I say "Alright fine but come right back" he's adorable


I get my drink and I sit back down and Owen cuddles into my side.

I start falling asleep but I hear a voice say....

~808 words~

This is short also I haven't edited it yet so there are alot of grammar mistakes but oh well I'll fix them later. I had to post something it's been weeks since I last did.

Anywho goodbye!

Her Lucky Number 15 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن