18.New place?

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Isabella's POV:

I wake up and feel a heavy weight on my chest and when I look down the cutest little girl is looking up at me smiling.

"Hi..." Mia says with a sleepy voice.

"Hello, gummy bear" she crawls off me and I sit up. Not a good Idea...I flop back down....what the fuck....my head is killing me

"Are you okayyyy?" Mia looks down at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay....did I fall asleep here? I'm sorry" after I say that she started giggling

"Yeah you did but it's okay! I like cuddles and you were warm like really warm!" She smiles at me

"Oh-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when Sebastian walked in

"Hey, I made breakfast and-hey Isabella are you okay? You don't look so good.." he slowly walked over.

"I'm fine I just got a headache" he puts his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up....um how about I get you situated in my room, I'll bring you breakfast?" He suggested

"No no it's okay I should probably get home." His eyes widened when I said that.

He looks at Mia "munchkin there is food downstairs on the table... Marcus is down there so go say good morning, okay?" She nods and looks at me

"I'll see you later! Can we watch frozen later!?" She smiles as she asks that.

"Of course, gummy bear" she giggles and runs out of the room.


He's staring at me "are you okay?" I just nod

"I just need to get home and take a shower" I force out a smile

"No you're going back there... you're not going to the same house as him" his voice and laced with venom when he says that.

"I have to go...plus he's not usually drunk during the day and he is not as bad as you think. plus I need to clean up the mess he ma-" he slams his hand down on the dresser, stopping me mid sentence

"God damnit Isabella! What is your problem?...why are you defending him!? He hurt you!? Correction....hurts you. Please don't go, I can't handle you being in pain..I can't handle it...I was barely able to handle hearing him say shit like that so just stay...at least till you get your own place? I can help you look!"  His voice cracks throughout his speech.

"I wasn't planning on getting my own place...I can't afford it, that's why I applied for a job as Mia's nanny" I say and he just shakes his head

"Then you can stay here. You're just not going back there" he says

"But-" i couldn't even finish my sentence before I started swaying

"Isabella? Hey hey are you okay?" Sebastian now has his hand on my shoulder

"I'm fine, I just don't feel good but I'll be o-" he picks me up (bridal style) and my eyes widen

"Sebastian what are you doing!?" He just smiles softly at me and walks me to his room


He moves me around and holds me with one arm while moving the blanket on his bed and he lays me down gently.

"Are you hungry?" I just shake my head no.

"I'll be back, okay?" He says

"Okay" and with that he walks out


I'm staring at the ceiling when Sebastian walks back in with a small damp towel in his hand and a glass of water in the other.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while placing a cold damp towel on my forehead.

"Like shit"

Sebastian's POV:

"Like shit" she says. She looks like shit. No wait I mean she looks sick not that she looks like actual shit because she doesn't, she's very pretty.

"I'm freezing" she says while looking up at me.

"I'll get extra blankets" I walk out to grab blankets

I'm in the hallway closet but I keep hearing noise from my room (suddenly it got louder) what the fuck.

I rush back to the room and what I see horrifies me.

~694 words~

This one is short, also tell me if there are mistakes and I'll fix them! Byee

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