8.hospital visit.....

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Sebastians POV: (this part is gonna be mostly about Peyton and Marcus)

I've been sitting in the waiting room with Marcus's parents, Peyton, Isabella, and Mia.

The only reason Isabella is here is because she had to bring Mia because Mia was sad about Marcus and Peyton wanted Isabella here.
I think something is seriously wrong with Peyton; she looks really pale and sweaty.

That's when the doctor walks out and says, "Marcus is awake, but..." something is wrong. "He plays a sport, right?" I nod and say, "Yeah, hockey."

"Well, Marcus broke two knuckles on his right hand by the force of the punches, and he got his nose broken by the punch he received from Grayson King. Also, Grayson King has a broken arm and wrist and a black eye. You guys can visit Marcus now; he might be awake or he might not; he's going in and out of consciousness." Everyone gets up to walk to his room, and that's when I hear a thud behind me and Isabella scream Peyton's name.....

This is only 180 words because I'm busy with school and it's just giving you and a back story of the next part.

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