10. Peyton is okay

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Isabellas POV:

The doctor said Peyton's going to be okay; they told us she just has a stomach virus, so I guess she wasn't eating because she threw up anything she ate, and that caused her to pass out and stuff, but they were giving her an IV.

Peyton got prescribed some type of antibiotic...

Everything has been super awkward between me and Sebastian, but I guess it's always been awkward, but it just feels weird. I do feel a bit bad about yelling at him; he was just being nice, which is rare, but I was just angry. I'm going to have to apologize to him later.

We still haven't been able to see Peyton because she's asleep.

Peytons POV:

I open my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light that is basically blinding me. Hmm, my head ache is gone.

I looked around, and I was surrounded by hospital equipment. What the fuck?

"Oh, great, you're awake!" There's a sweet-looking old lady in the doorway. "what happened?" The lady smiles.

"Well, you passed out because you weren't eating, and when you were out, we did some tests and found out you had a stomach bug." Ohhhh, that's why I couldn't eat. "The only reason I couldn't eat is because I kept throwing up anything I ate." The lady nodded.

"We have prescribed you antibiotics; oh no, I haven't introduced myself," she laughs. "I'm sorry for my poor manners, sweetheart, but my name is Lucy." I just nod and say, "Where are my friends?" She started gigging.

"Your friends are out in the waiting room," she says.

"Why are you gigging? Did something funny happen that I missed?" I was a bit harsh, but I don't care. I'm not in the mood.

"No nothing is funny; it's just some boy out there. I think his name was Sebastian. Wait, no, no, the other boy, maybe it was Mark or, um, Marcus?

"Was it Marcus?" She smiles, "Yes! That's it. He was so worried, even though he's the one with broken knuckles."

"Can Marcus come in here?" She nods and walks out.

Marcus's POV:

We are all sitting in the waiting room, waiting until we can go see her.

"I want candy. I want candy. I WANT CANDY!!!" Mia starts yelling at Isabella, and I look at Sebastian.

"Seb!" He looks up at me, and I say, "Are you going to stop Mia? Isabella probably has a headache." Me and Sebastian both look over at Isabella and Mia, and Isabella looks tired. That's when Sebastian got up and grabbed Mia off Isabella's lap, taking her outside to calm down.

"Marcus?" The nurse calls me, and I get up. "Yes, that's me." She smiles at me.

"Peyton said she would like to speak to you. " Me?

"What about Isabella?" She shrugs

"Well, she said you." Now I feel bad because Isabella is her best friend. Isabella just nods at me... Well, at least she isn't mad.


I walk into the room, and I see Peyton drinking a glass of water. "Hey, how do you feel?" I ask her

"Much better now... Marcus, can we talk?" Is she mad?

"Sure," I say, and I go and sit next to her bed.

That's when she grabbed my face and.....

~550 words~

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