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Amber stood there looking at it in a shock .

Amber - I-I am v-very sorry , I didn't mean to-
David - Shut up ! Do you even know what is it !
Henry - *Steps in* Hey David , listen its all my fault , don't shout at her , it was just a mistake .
David - You don't belong here , you are just a computer genius nothing else !
Amber - I swear I didn't do it on purpose , I'll try so pay it back- it was just a mistake-
David - You have don't have any idea how things work , do you ? *Furious*
James - David let it be..c'mon we passed the mission .

David glared at Amber and grabbed her wrist .

James - David , I swear if you hit her- you are being a jerk , you can't do that to her for just an electric cigarette .

David pulled her into the kitchen area and blocked her way .

Amber - David , I am really sorry- I didn't mean to-
David - You keep getting on my nerves and now ?! *Looking at her*
Amber - Please don't look at me like that , its scary... *Leaning back*
David - Are you afraid of me ? You should be ! And its Mr.Dawson not David !
Amber - *Steps back* If you want I'll buy you a-
David - *Steps forward*
Amber - a-a-a new electric cigarette or just g-give you the money , I swear *scared and nervous*
David - *kisses her*

She was so shocked that she dropped her phone . She froze at her place not knowing what to do .

David - *Pulls away* ..... *Shook at his own actions*
Amber - (What just happened?! What the heck just happened!?)
David - I....... didn't mean to..*steps back and leaves in a hurry*
Amber - *Picks up her phone* What.....
Henry - *Enters* Amber I am really , really sorry ! Did he do something bad ? He can be rude sometimes . Did he hit you ? If he did I will break his bones !
Amber - nothing like that , he just..just shouted at me..nothing else .
Henry - I'll talk to him tomorrow , you can get your bag ready for tomorrow's school , you were great today !
Amber - Thank you.... *leaves*

David was in his bathtub thinking about what has happened .

David - *Sigh* *sips his red wine* Amber........

Amber was in her room . She kept her phone on the table and tugged her hair behind her ear as she took out some books out of her shelf and put it in her bag . Her phone rang , it was her mother .

Amber - Hello ?
A/mom - Are you okay ? Why didn't you tell me the full thing yesterday , huh ?
Amber - Mom ! I told you I'm completely safe . I found a new job as a detective and I will get paid alot , so don't worry .
A/mom - You don't know anything .
Amber - Mom I'm not a kid !
A/mom - Okay , okay just protect yourself . I love you !
Amber - Yes mom ! Love you too .
A/mom - Bye ! *hangs up*

There was a knock on Amber's door . She said 'come in' the door opened to reveal James .

James - Did he do anything ?
Amber - No..nothing , he just shouted .
James - I don't think so..he definitely did something..he didn't hit you , did he ?
Amber - No , no , why would he do that ? He just shouted at me .
James - Are you sure ? You can tell me anything you want..
Amber - Its nothing ! and could everyone please stop asking me about it , please ?
James - Okay then good night , I guess..*closes the door*
Amber - *Sigh* I can't face him tomorrow . I too embarrassed to do that .

Amber laid on the bed and took her blanket . But she couldn't sleep .

11:00 pm -

David was standing infront of Amber's room's door , thinking about something . When James came .

James - What are you doing here ?
David - Uh...nothing , I just wanted to drink water .
James - She must be sleeping apologize to her tomorrow .
David - I will think about it..*leaves*

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