Chp. 17

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Sunday -

"May their souls be at they were never able to get it while living..I hope they are at better places now ."

A man was crying while sitting on the sofa as the POG's were sitting beside them .

David - There is no use of crying uncle..maybe it was their fate..

"I could never give my family a better life..I never deserved such a beautiful family..*sobs*"

James - Your wife was killed by unknown men 10 years ago and your kids were left alone..

"I ran away from them due to shame..I didn't want to be a bad example for them.."

Charlotte - *sigh*

Next day -

Amber went to Charlotte who was pitting her books in her locker .

Amber - Hey Charlotte !
Charlotte - *Confused* What brings you here ?
Amber - Do you know what day is it today ?
Charlotte - Uh..its Monday..
Amber - You seriously forgot...
Charlotte - I am so sorry..I've got all things mixed up in head...besides yesterday , I felt so bad for that man..
Amber - Hm..after 12 years of wait when he saw his children was when they were's just sad..cause even if Michael didn't go against us..he had still died..
Charlotte - Hm..*sigh* let's just not talk about this..
Amber - You're right-
Noah - AMBER ! Come with me I Have A Surprise for you !!! *drags her*
Amber - Yea-

In the cafeteria -

Noah - Happy Birthday !!!
Amber - Thanks ! (Someone atleast remembered..)*smiles*

Evening -

Amber - *Enters the base* where is everyone ?..*enters drawing room*


Amber - *Shook* Oh- Thank you !!

They decorated the entire room and had a beautiful cake on the table .

Happy birthday to you !
Happy birthday to you !
Happy birthday dear Amber ,
Happy birthday to you woah !

Amber - Thank you everyone !! *smiles* is Mr.Dawson not here ?
David - I'm here !
Amber - *Turns around* Oh..
James - Are not appreciating our present caring about your 'Mr.Dawson' more ?
Amber - Its not that..I..absolutely love your present..I just wanted to give something to you..Mr.Dawson .
David - *Raises his eyebrows*

Amber took out a gift box out of her bag and gave it to David .

David - Its not my birthday..
Amber - I know that .
David - *Opens the gift box*
Charlotte - Oh my god Amber ! Where did you get that kind of money ?!
Amber - I saved up from 2 months of my salary . So I decided to return all your favours back and thanks ! There is also Tution fees in it .
David - I don't need it ! *gives it to her*
Amber - Hey ! I don't want your favours .
David - But I want you to have it , Happy Birthday !
Duke - *Raises his eyebrow* Sus ! OKay let's cut the cake shall we ?
Amber - Uh..Yea..

Everyone ate the cake and then gave their presents to Amber .

Amber - That's too much..seriously a cake was enough for me..
Charlotte - Okay then I'll have it all ! Especially the necklace .
Amber - Hey ! Not the necklace !

Christmas  -

Amber - Single on another Christmas , yay !
Charlotte - I don't think so !
David - Its not real..
Ren - Merry Christmas everyone ! 

New Year -

Charlotte - Woah the fireworks are so beautiful !
Henry - Its hard to believe its 2026 already !
Duke - Time's going by fast , isn't it ?

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