Chp. 26

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Charlotte - So can I come to your room ?? *On a call*
Amber - Yea..

In Amber's room -

Charlotte - I think our leader likes you..
Amber - You think so too ?
Charlotte - You thought that too ?
Amber - I mean..I'm not sure..he could be just protecting me as I am his teammate .
Charlotte - *Face palm* You are such an idiot ! He likes you !
Amber - Why would he like me ?
Charlotte - Didn't you say you had a tini-tiny crush on him .
Amber - ..It was just attraction you know ? Don't you think it's weird to think like this about your leader ?
Charlotte - No it's not ! Are you not happy ?! He is such a pince-charming in the dreams of almost every single girl who saw him and if he likes you then you would be a the princess..and he is way better than that Dylan !
Amber - I know I know ! But he is our leader and what if I get rejected ? It would be so weird to get rejected and see eachother's faces everyday..and he doesn't like me stop being so delulu .
Charlotte - I am not being delusional.. its the truth ! Have you noticed the way he looks at you ?
Amber - No ! I don't dare to look at him in the eyes..and I don't think it's even possible to date him..why would such a perfect man like me ?
Charlotte - Maybe..because you must be the first girl to hug him or who is scared to talk back to him but still does .
Amber - *Realises* You have a point ! And....I am soooo sorry I didn't tell this to you before..I was just embarrassed..
Charlotte - What ?
Amber - Actually it's a long time back..Mr.Dawson and I...maybe...have..kissed once...
Charlotte - *Gasp* What !? Are you serious ?! When ? Where ? How ? Why ? What !? How the heck ?! *Excitedly hits her* tell me !
Amber - Ow..hey ! It was a long time back..1 and a half year ago..when I recently joined the team..
Charlotte - Whaaatttt ?!! And is that why he keeps giving you those suspicious warnings ? Tell me how !
Amber - Yea..actually Henry and James had a mission and me , Mr.Dawson , Ren and Duke were home . I had to hack Iviano's computer , I did and we were successful . I hacked his computer and that's why we came to know alot of his future plans so everyone was very happy and when Henry and James came home they started running around the house I got a slight push and I accidentally pushed Mr.Dawson too so his electric cigarette fell down and I accidentally stepped on it and it broke into two damn pieces . So he was very angry and then expect the unexpected..and he told me that it's Mr.Dawson not David ! So that's why I call him 'Mr.Dawson' .
Charlotte - So he did that out of anger ?
Amber - Kinda..he apologized for it later..and the second time we went to Ren's mom's restaurant to celebrate his birthday..I wanted to eat candies so everyone went to the car and Mr.Dawson gave me the money to buy it . As I was leaving I don't know how but William came there...and he was just threatening me there so Mr.Dawson came thankfully on the right time and said that I was his girlfriend ofcourse to drive away that William , to make it more convincing he...kissed on my forehead..
Charlotte - You both are indirectly in a relationship now..
Amber - Stop it..we are not !
Charlotte - Did he do something to you last night ? Why were you ignoring him ?
Amber - ...........Not an important topic..
Charlotte - Are you not going to tell me ? 😟
Amber - ....He was very drunk last night.. ofcourse he was not in his senses..
Charlotte - You are reacting as if he asked you to sleep with him..
Amber - ..He did...
Charlotte - *Gasp* What said no ?
Amber - Of course ! Do you think I'd say yes ? He just pulled me and I fell down . What a baby..he needs someone to hug him to fall asleep..
Charlotte - How cute !!
Amber - Shut up ! It's not's called know he accidentally walked in my room when I was changing..and I was wearing that bad bunny undergarment..
Charlotte - I told you so..even underage girls don't wear that these days..
Amber - It's comfortable..and you know that's why he saved my name as 'A stubborn bunny' how perverted !
Charlotte - *Grin* you still say he doesn't like you ?
Amber - *Thinking*

Memory 1 -

David - I could do more..but I am the leader . I have many responsibilities..

Memory 2 -

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