Chp. 33

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Augustus - I'll wait for you in the drawing room..
David - Hey wait ! *Hurriedly wiping his tears*
Augustus - *Opens the door* Come in !
Amber - ...Are you both done talking with each other ?
Augustus - Yea ! So you both go ahead ! *Leaves*
David - *Hiding his face*
Amber - *Slowly enters and closes the door*
David - What ?.. *stands up*
Amber - *Hugs him* You okay ?
David - *Freeze* Wh-what ? Do you think I'm a kid ?
Amber - It's happens..I can't believe you cried over a girl like that..
David - I don't cry..and I didn't cry over any girl..
Amber - How come you lie with such a straight face ?..
David - What are you here for ?
Amber - So did you two make up ?
David - No..and why would I tell you ?
Amber - Because you should..I tell you everything going on in my life so you should too cause I don't hide anything from you !
David - Are you sure you didn't hide anything from me ?
Amber - ...... *thinking* Yea..
David - ..Amber..
Amber - Hm ?
David - You like me..
Amber - *Freeze* What..what are you talking about ?
David - You hid it from me..are you still saying that ?
Amber - Did Augustus tell you this ?! No I don't-
David - *About to hug her back but stops* don't have to like me..
Amber - *Eyes widen* You mean
David - You don't have to like'll find someone better..
Amber - *moves back* You're lying !
David - I'm not..
Amber - ..okay..I get it.. *slow nod*
David - We're teammates.. I'm your leader..and you..are my assistant..I've hired you to that position.. we have to work until this mission ends..we don't have any emotions as spies..
Amber - Hm...Should I help you with the file ? You've made many mistakes..
David - No thanks... I'm fine..
Amber - *Nods and leaves*
David - *Calls Augustus*
Augustus - Yea what happened ?
David - I won't should leave..
Augustus - you wish..did you tell her ?..
David - I told you before...I'm avoiding that involvement....
Augustus - Okay..Bye.. *hangs up*
David - *Sigh* (I don't know if I'm going to regret rejecting you Amber..I hope I don't..) *takes a deep breath* (I won't..) *a tear fell out of his eye* (why ?!) *Wipes his tears*

Amber's room -

Amber - *Throws herself on the bed* (Why does that always happen ?! I won't cry this wasn't that no..I won't cry..) *tears* (I won't doesn't hurt...)

Next day -

Everyone was sitting in the drawing room reading different files . David entered with a tired face and a horrifying reaction on his face .

Damian - *Flinch* Aaah ! Wh-what's wrong with you ?!
Duke - *looks at him with a scared expression* you didn't sleep today ?
David - Yea..I was studying a file..
James - You shouldn't overwork yourself..
Amber - *enters and throws a file on the table* I'm done..
Ren - You both look horrifying...
Charlotte - What happened ?
Amber - I was completing that file..and I have to go on a blind date today..
James - A blind date ? *Looks at David*
David - *Rolls eyes* Get to work everyone..
Henry - Did you both break up ?
David - We were never together..
Charlotte - You were late.. Emily left today morning..
David - Thank God..
Charlotte - So who's your date ?
Amber - How am I supposed to know ?
Damian - It's someone from our university..and you know what brother ? taddaaaa ! *Shows him a message*
David - Why today ?!
Damian - I couldn't deny her ! You know if mom saw you with that face , she will go crazy..c'mon go get ready..
David - I'm not going.. *calls*
Linda - Hello David ! I'm happy that this you called me , by the way did Damian tell you about Ava ?
David - Whoever she is mom..I won't go !
Linda - Fine don't go ! But you aren't going that means you must be 'too busy' with work right ? Fine ! Me and your dad will come at your base and stay there for a while to help you and free you from some work and also little Ani is coming so we will come at you base and help you up ! I'll do the packing right now .
David - Fine I'll go.. *poker face*
Linda - And yea is Amber there ?
David - Yea..
Linda - Let me talk to her..
David - *gives Amber the phone*
Amber - What ?!
David - Talk to her !
Linda - Hey Amber !
Amber - Hello Mrs.Linda..?
Linda - Your mom was telling me yesterday night about the blind date..I will send you the location and everything you can meet him there .
Amber - Okay thanks Mrs.Linda..bye ! *Hangs up and gives the phone back* I hope it isn't some ugly face jerk..
Charlotte - Um-hm..he is from our you should've thought before saying yes..
Amber - If I had the know mom..
Ren - Your mom's are so similar..imagine if they set you both up on a date..
David - Her name is Ava..people with 'A' initial are just dumb..
Amber - *Rolls her eyes* I liked Scorpios but I realised how selfish they are..

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