Chp. 36

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David came to his room , put the password on the door , opened it and angrily went inside . Amber followed him before the door could close . He stopped and silently turned around while glaring at her .

David - Let me make it clear..I am very impatient when I'm angry and you've managed to get on my nerves . So you know what's gonna happen now ?
Amber - you that exactly ?
David - You were so confident while speaking there in the meeting room because.. everyone was there..that certainly wasn't..confidence , you just didn't care about what will happen to you .
Amber - What..are you going to do ? *Nervous*
David - What do you think I'll do ?
Amber - ........
David - Since you weren't afraid there because everyone were around you but did you...imagine the consequences when you are alone....with me ?
Amber - can' to me..
David - You were speaking back to me..for Charles... *Walks towards her* didn't you get it when I said Shut your mouth or I have different ways to do it..and if you speak more than needed then *whispers in her ear* I'll make sure you aren't just speaking..but name..
Amber - ..I..I get your anger't do this..
David - And who's gon' stop me ?.. *walks closer*
Amber - *steps back* Mr.D-Dawson..
David - Shh..its my room.. keep your mouth shut..

Meeting room -

Ren - I'll explain it to you..
Charlotte - So what exactly happened in 2019 ?
James - It's a long story..

David's room -

David - *gets a call* Hello ?
John - Would you come to our base ?
David - Is it something important ?
John - Yea..
David - I'll reach there in 15 minutes.. *hangs up and looks at her* How come you be so lucky ?..
Amber - You are going ?..
David - *Furious* sit in the meeting room and *wearing his jacket* listen to Ren..and don't you dare to fool around me next time or I'll..give you a Black Warning... *leaves*
Amber - *follows him*

Meeting room -

Ren - *Keep the file on the table*
Amber - *enters silently and sits down*
Damian - What did he say ?
Amber - *Sigh* If I fool around him again he'll give me a Black Warning..
Charlotte - He was way more angry today..where is he ?
Amber - John called he went there..
James - Did he do anything ?
Amber - *Done with everyone* Thankfully not what you were expecting..
Duke - He is very jealous of Charles..
Henry - He must've mentioned him , right ?
Amber - *Nod*
Ren - Too possesive !
Amber - Oh..please start the story !
Ren - Yea ! *Opens the file* So , in 2019....A Russian man named Lebedor Kareen had an accident on the main Street of New York and alot of cash was found in that truck , nearly 500,000 bills of $500 . The accident was so dangerous that the man was smashed and half of the truck was crushed...and situations in 2019 weren't like now , Will Hughes wasn't that rich and powerful so many were against him unlike now , he has almost bribed everyone and got em' on his side.. William's uncle used to live in New York and this 2019 case is the reason why he moved to London . They investigated the truck insident and found out that drugs from here are being transported to Russia . Now , William's uncle who is Robert , older brother of his mother found out that Will Hughes was behind he got- sorry appointed a lawyer and the prosecutor started investigating ahead till then Robert filed a case against Will and only a few days later the case was dismissed because Robert took the case back by saying "I misunderstood him and I will help him find the real criminal" but he moved to London because of all the hate and taunts by New Yorkers . According to Smith Jones , the minister who got arrested as the drug dealer of this case , Will Hughes was framing him and that he was innocent and then he cursed Will on live TV so he got even more criticized..and Will got more sympathy..Now you might be wondering that how did we find out that Will Hughes is the main criminal ?... because Boss told us , the elections for Mayor of New York was always a heated competition between Boss and Will Hughes and coincidencely Matilda Hughes and Boss were friends because they studied in the same Matilda told all this to Boss..he also has the recordings of her call and after the death of Matilda..boss broke contacts with the Hughes .
Duke - I recently joined the team in 2019 when Damian left and no one told me this story ?
Henry - You are no one special !
Damian - I left for no reason !
Amber - What happened to you ?
Damian - I got 2 Black Warnings by my own brother for misbehaving in the base..and I wasn't well trained so I am the reason for the identity reveal of Agent Shadow and all the others..
Charlotte - Wow you were so noob !
Damian - You can't say that ! I'm stronger !

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