Chp. 15

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Amber - I also want a name for agent..Night or agent moon..
David - You aren't allowed to keep that..we have one option tho..Agent Light..
Amber - It's good ! But are you sure that's for a girl ?
James - If you don't like it-
David - We have no other options .
Amber - It's fine ! So I am Agent Light from now on !
Duke - cute ! A light-shadow couple !
Amber - Huh ?
Henry - The shadow was dark as ever but then light came into his life and they spend their lives happily ever after .
Amber - Shut up ! It's not like that !

Next day -

Charlotte - Today your 'Mr.Dawson' isn't coming to pick you up ? *drags Amber outside*
Amber - Where are we going ? Charlotte - POG base..
Amber - do you know all that ?
They both sat in the car which was waiting for Amber .

Charlotte - I have special connections , right James ? *closes the door*
James - Mh-hm
Amber - What are you doing here ?

The next day -

Amber - *Takes her bag*

Amber came running in the dinning room and sat on the table as she noticed Charlotte .

Amber - What are you doing here ?
Charlotte - I'm shifting in here today !
Amber - Oh..(We can finally spend some time together again !)
James - *Scoffs* We have a mission today .
David - Amber will stay home with'm still not sure to take her to that club..its quite in a shady area .
Duke - Awwww !
Henry - How CaRiNg !
Ren - Shut it you two..please..
James - How about you come and let her stay home..
David - Didn't you here me at first ?
Duke - JaMeS ! DoN'T FoRcE hIm ! He JuST wAnTs tO sTaY wItH hIs GiRlFrIeNd !
David - aren't wrong have some coffee .
Duke - Oh...*Takes a sip*
David - You're becoming smart day by day aren't you..Duke ? *Glare*
Duke - *Chokes* W-what are you talking about ? I'm already very smart !
James - So what name you wanna choose
Charlotte - I choosed a name from the options Agent O and Agent Snowfall you gave me..I choosed agent Snowfall !
Amber - Huh ?! You said there were no other options left ! *Looks at David*
David - *Sighs and sips his tea* well isn't it great that you match your leader now ?
Amber - Thankfully Agent Light is good..or I would've failed you at your mission !

At night James , Charlotte and Duke were called for a mission . Whereas , Ren was told give instructions , David , Amber and Henry were told to collect the info and find the proof against them . It was the same club near the Williamsburg bridge . As soon as Charlotte entered the club .

Charlotte - The lights are pretty cool....I'm not supposed to drink right ?
James - Ofc , you're just 18 .
David - *Fixes his ear piece* Can you hear me ?
Duke - Yea..So what are we supposed to do ?
Henry - Can you see a table with a few men and a laptop at your left ?
James - Yea..
Ren - See exactly 5 of them is William and the other must Iviano .
David - Apparently me and Agent Light changed the details in time and they don't know about it yet..all the files they have are just a made up story . They send Michael to collect details about us and they don't even know he has died .
Henry - Agent Snowfall ! An early advise for you .
Charlotte - What ?
Henry - See its your first mission and Iviano is a wild man so if you doubt that he's up to some hanky-panky shit just kick him .
Charlotte - Sounds great..thanks !

Duke , James and Charlotte took a seat not too far from William's table , to hear what they're planing . But due to the music there was nothing they could hear . Charlotte took out a small black chip and put it on the table .

Duke - What are you going to do with this ?
Charlotte - Just wait and watch..

Charlotte pulled out a long thread from her jacket and wrapped it around the chip . She slowly put the chip down on the floor and slid it backwards which thankfully stopped right under William's table .
Charlotte - The conversation recorded won't be clear but audible .
James - You've got alot of brain .

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