Chp. 16

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David - And...Noah , she is a nice girl..she is John's cousin and I've seen her parents during business meetings..she'll never do something Amber , have you exchanged numbers with her ?
Amber - Yea..was I not supposed to ?
David - No , its good ! We're thinking about taking her as a partner..but that doesn't mean you'll tell her everything..
Amber - What do you mean by that ?
James - She is a nice girl but you are not supposed to tell her that you are our teammate and don't tell her that Charlotte is our teammate too . Just simply talk with her and get to know about her more , if she is safe to work with we'll take her as a partner , only if she agrees .
David - And I expect atleast above 80 marks out of 100 for tomorrow's test , understood ?
Amber - yes...*scratches her nape*
David - I didn't hear you so well..
Amber - yes..
David - Louder !
Amber - Yes ! I'll leave..
Duke - Where are you going ?
Amber - I'm going to-
David - Pack her school bag...why do you care ? Focus here !
Duke - As you wish....sir..
Charlotte - *Scoffs* You know what David ?
David - Hm..?
Charlotte - Amber usually doesn't listen to anyone .
David - ..So ?
Charlotte - Cause mostly her decisions are right .
David - *Slow nods* So what ?
Charlotte - as her best friend from years thinks that she acts very different with the side of her I've never seen before..she listens to every word you say and she does what you want , she asks you before doing anything..she doesn't act like this with anyone else . *wiggling her eyebrows*
David - *Scoffs* Its because I'm her leader...nothing else..
Charlotte - Oh..Really ? Then why did 'you' choose 'her' to be your contract girlfriend and not someone else ?
David - That..
Duke - Ohhhhhhhhh ! Charlotte got the point ! *shakes hands with her*
Ren - David first time no answer !? *Tease*
James - *Laughs*
David - See..its going to happen anyways..its either me & her or we both end up with different strangers..our parents decide for us..we aren't lucky enough to choose for our own..
Henry - Yea but you look like you are okay with it..lemme guess-
David - Seriously ? I've met so many girls during blind dates and what you see is Amber ? I don't like her and she doesn't too . She isn't my type neither am I . So now Focus On The Meeting !
James - You know this is the first time I really doubt your actions..
David - *Glares* Are we done ?
James - *Smiles* yea..

Next Day -

P O G • Base -

Lunch -

Amber - *Smirk* (Its time to piss off Mr.Dawson)
David - What about the test ?
Amber - Oh it went well..
David - How much did you get ?
Amber - 15/100..
Charlotte - *Looks at her in disbelief* (You what ? 💀)
David - *Chokes*
Amber - Its the least in our , drink some water ! And 50 were passing..
David - failed ?
James - (💀 she is done !)
Amber - Only a few people got actual good marks..
David - I asked how much did you get ?!..
Henry - (She really is checking his temper today..💀)
Amber - Well its a very high number so you make sure to give a party..
David - Are you sick or something ? *angry*
Amber - I'm completely fine but I don't think you will be now..*looks at him*
Duke - *laughs out* Pff- *coughs* I did nothing-
David - I asked something to you..
Duke - (💀She could've asked him simply if she wanted to get fired so bad..)
Amber - I know you asked me..I'm not I look like it..?
Charlotte - What's with this mood ?
Amber - I'm just too happy today..*smiles*
David - Oh- well I'll make sure that you become sad if you don't watch your mouth while speaking to me !
Amber - I'm really sorry , Mr.Dawson but know you can't do anything like that !
David - You don't know what I can you want me to make you remember ?
Amber - *scoffs* I think that enough...I understood so no thanks..and I got 94 and a half out of a 100 .
Duke - *Shocked* You what ?
James - How much did you get Charlotte ?
Charlotte - I got 99 .
David - *Relieved* You did well Amber ! I'll give a candy later like kids get one candy after doing something .
Amber - You're so mean !
David - You seem to be very good at math Charlotte !
Charlotte - Yea..I always score good in math , I've tried to teach Amber..but I've failed alot of times...

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