-| Rules! |-

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Hi there! Welcome to my hosting of writing prompts for this year ^v^

I'm publishing this a day early so people can have more time to decide if they wanna join and prepare stuff lol.

Each day, a one-word prompt will be published in this book, and it's up to those participating to write a oneshot/short story that relates to or is inspired by the word that takes place within any of FavremySabre's series.

The rules are as follows:

- Please use the tag 'chromatober' that I made so it's easier to find your entry :>

- OCs are welcome!

- Heads up for those of you who do participate, I have learned the hard way that tagging me doesn't work, so you'll have to let me know if you're participating in the comments here =v='

- The challenge is aimed to be daily, but if you only want to do a few prompts or want to write every other day or something, or if a prompt or two ends up blank because you couldn't think of anything, that's completely fine! No pressure on you guys. Although, as more incentive to get people writing, those who get through all of the prompts will be part of a prize 'raffle' of sorts (for lack of a better word); I'll randomly select one of them to create a side character for my book Vengeful :3

- I'm not going to try to control what you write, so even though I'm usually uncomfortable with it, you guys are absolutely allowed to write character shipping if you want. I'll still drop by and probably look at it a little bit. Thought I should clarify that lol-

- If you finish a prompt, you can ask me for the next one, but please don't publish them early. Wait for the next day.

Aaand that's all the rules! Happy writing, and I hope you enjoy!

After-Contest Edit:

Thanks to all of the participants! Eth3alFlame has gotten the chance prize, congrats to them ^v^

ChromaTober | 2023 FMS Writing ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now