-| Day 3: Sneak |-

346 29 40

Stealth time let's goooo

Also I didn't forget to post the prompt, I just posted the first 2 at goblin hours lol. Prompts are probably gonna be posted later from now on-

AU: Player's Game (Y'know how there's servers where we play games and all that? That, but it's real and a death game and Sabre was dragged into it unwillingly. He has to try to win his freedom while the Steves try to figure out a way to get him outta there without risking his life.)

Context: A Quiet Place game, but Deep Dark :3


[Sabre's POV]

The starting horns blare as I and a bunch of random people are dropped into the playing field.

I make sure to keep a hand over the earpiece Professor Red gave me so it doesn't get broken while I land on the tough deepslate floor. Judging by him asking what some noise is, there was probably some feedback, but better than losing my only connection to the Steves.

I quickly duck behind a pile of ruins as the Professor talks to me.

"Sabre?! Answer me, dang it! What's happening?!" He almost yells.

"Dude, quiet down. I'm here." I answer. "I had to hide first. Now, what are you yelling at me about?"

"I'm getting signals of something really big moving around in the underground area you're in." Professor Red says, lowering his voice. "Any idea what that is?"

"Yeah, it's called a Warden." I whisper, noticing some people running away from something nearby. "The aim of this game is to stay as quiet as possible and be the last one standing. The Warden is a monster that's blind, but has exceptional hearing and strength. If I make too much noise, it'll come after me and I'll be as good as dead."

"How strong are we talking here?"

"Chief, this thing one-shots people in full netherite gear. Do not take your chances on sending people in right now."

There's silence on the other end for a moment.

"...What maniac comes up with these psychotic games?" The Professor sighs.

"Takes one to know one." I whisper.

I can feel the glare from the other end of the line. Suddenly, two people run by and start to head to where I am. They must be new to this kind of thing, because they're setting off every shrieker they come across. Or, at least the screaming one is. The other one just looks terrified and is dragging their buddy behind them.

I quickly but carefully squish myself into the corners of the ruins I'm hiding in. I know better than to start running when the-

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a loud, low, angry roar. Speak of the devil.

The Warden follows the path of the two people, swinging its tree-trunk arms and hitting them. The one that was screaming immediately poofs into nothing, while the second guy is launched somewhere that's probably across the whole playing field. They'll be lucky if they survive that.

The Warden stops and sniffs the air for a while. I stay completely still and limit my breathing.

It steps closer to the ruins.


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