-| Day 23: Trust |-

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AU: Smol Sky People

Context: A little something that relates to the story's lore :3

Now you're probably wondering why I'm writing something that will probably be a major hint to one of the story's big surprises in this, and that's because I know good and dang well that some of the people that read SSP don't look at my other works. I'm not mad about it or anything lol, they just missing out on when I scatter lore bits elsewhere like an Easter egg hunt :b

Takes place before the book btw, and still won't answer any guesses as to who the mystery person is lol


[3rd Person POV]

He ran through the forest, dodging arrows and avoiding mobs as he looked for a path back home. Or to the safehaven. Whichever he could find.

Sabre had been caught outside at night, away from the village, and was being chased by mobs. He knew he'd get an earful from Time once he got home, but at the moment he was more focused on escaping from the horde of zombies, skeletons, creepers, and other beasts.

Sabre noticed a cliff approaching on the horizon, the sound of rushing water loudly filling the air near it. Continuing to dodge attacks, he soon became cornered on the cliffside.

The undead and various monsters surrounded him, bearing their teeth and readying their weapons. Sabre looked behind him, glancing down at the harsh currents of the river below.

The monsters grew closer and closer.

Rocks crumbled off the side of the cliff and plummeted down as Sabre stepped back.

Seeing no other choice, he took the chance.

Sabre turned, planted his foot on the edge of the cliff, and jumped.


"...Darling, I want you to promise me something."

His small body flinched as she bandaged his wing, then he looked up.


"Whenever you are in such danger, turn to the environments of the world to protect you. Save you. It will do so, wherever you are."

"But why? Won't I still get hurt?"

"Not if you trust the earth to aid you. It will do anything in its power to help you if you need it."

"But I thought that rocks and plants and stuff can't do that?"

"Not in anyone else's case, but all living things and habitats are bound to me. They serve me. If I command it, it will bend to my will and do whatever it needs to to do what I tell it."

She finished wrapping the bandages and tied a small blue flower to the knot.

"That includes protecting you, no matter what. So again, if you are in danger... all you need to do is trust the earth, and it will do the rest. Do you understand, sweetie?"

"Mhm. Can I go play with the blobs now?"

She chuckled.

"Of course, my dear. Be more careful, alright?"

"I will!"


He awoke on the soft sands and dirt of a familiar riverbank.

Halfway floating in the shallow bank of the river, he was laid on the ground, a few bits of vines and river plants wrapped around him carefully. He didn't feel any pain, or cold, all he felt was soaked.

Sabre sat up and shook the water out of his hair, pulling the wrapped plants on him off with surprising ease. He expected them to be more tangled, but they slid right off. As the plants sank and floated into the current of the river, he looked around.

A few birds had gathered near him, but as soon as they saw he was looking at them, they flew away. Sabre realized he recognized this area; it was a river that was very close by to the village. Heck, it connected to the lake beside he and Time's home. He could walk back to the house from here.

Sabre got up and wrung out his clothes, starting to make his way back. He didn't know what luck he had to both be unscathed by the harsh, rocky water and wind up so close to home, but he was glad that he had it. He could have been seriously hurt or even killed by anything back there...

...Yet he was perfectly fine.

Sabre decided he shouldn't question it and just focused on getting home. He was excited to be able to change out of his drenched tunic and jeans and into something softer. Maybe he should take the day off because of his near-death experience. Although... Time was going to be worried sick and probably make him take the day off anyway because he had been outside all night.

Now that conversation he definitely wasn't excited for.

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