-| Day 5: Flower |-

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Have some wholesome after yesterday lol. This one's a lot shorter, but has a very good amount of  ✨lore✨

AU: Smol Sky People

Context: As Sabre watches over the flower field, he looks back on his earliest memory :>

(Takes place before SSP starts)


[3rd Person POV]

The small creatures played happily with one another among the pristine white flowers, as Sabre watched to make sure nothing happened to them.

The older ones mostly checked on the flowers, as some were due to bloom soon, while sometimes warning the younger to be careful around the plants. The younger would obey, and go back to chasing each other through the field and seeing which flowers had baby blobs that would respond to their little squeaks. Both the little ones and Sabre would become excited when one did.

A few blobs of various ages huddled around Sabre, sleeping as he sat back against a nearby tree. He took in a deep breath, admiring the safehaven he and the creatures had built while relaxing. He had been tense all week, there having been more meetings than usual due to a rise in disappearances around the Realm and being paranoid that whoever was behind them would come after his village next. It felt nice to finally have a moment to calm down and take it easy.

Sabre began to space out as he watched the field, remembering the first time he had seen the flowers.



Black. That's all he saw for a few moments as he began to feel something soft underneath him.

He was lying down on his back, the ground he was on covered in velvety pieces of something that made a pillowy floor. Something bright was above him, irritating his tired mind. Wondering what it was, he slowly began to open his eyes for the first time.

The dark abyss was replaced by the view of something tall and pretty above him, more similar to it standing taller than it. This one was bending down over him. Beams of bright light came down above them all, some slipping between the white shapes of the beautiful object over him and hitting his face. Realizing that was the cause of the light, and that it started to hurt his eyes, he clumsily rolled onto his side. He felt the soft ground on his face, and looked at what it was made of. Smaller things very much like the structures above him, except pink, covered the floor as far as he could see. Glancing at himself for just a second, he saw that his tiny body was covered in white shapes that gathered around him like an embrace. He feels tiny fluttering movements on his back, and he tries to see what it is, but soon finds out he can't turn his head that far.

He suddenly started to shiver, quickly deciding he did not like this cold feeling one bit, and began to cry with a high, yet soft tiny voice. He felt something roll down his face, coming from his eyes.

In seconds, a being just like him but much bigger made their way through the tall structures, finding him on the ground. They looked up at the structure above him, and nudge it, the pretty thing moving to the height of the ones around it. It did not become as tall as them though; it still slouched and bent.

The bigger being moved closer to him, and as they leaned over him, he felt an invisible force start to lift him. The other being was soon holding him, carefully rocking him back and forth and saying something he couldn't understand. However, it was calming to hear their voice. He soon stopped crying and looked up at them with curiosity.

The other being then started to move, hopping towards somewhere in the forest of pretty structures. He was jostled a bit, but was more curious than scared. The being reached a differently shaped structure that sat next to a table, this one woven and like a half circle with handles. Inside it were pieces of the pink, soft shapes from before stitched together, along with other colors. The being lifted a light blue one into the air and wrapped it around him, nestling him in a soft cocoon that got rid of the cold feeling. He smiled.

The being turns around again, and starts to hop somewhere else. They leave the mass of tall, pretty structures and pass by many other areas with purposes unknown to him. They also pass by tons of other beings like him, ranging in everything from size, to color, to odd features different from each other and individual to each one. Like the one carrying him, they had fabrics made of woven soft things and other materials covering them. The sounds of voices he didn't yet know how to understand filled the air, high and soft like his.

The one carrying him eventually got to a raised area, where there were many others just like him slowly moving around and playing, some learning how to hop like the bigger ones. A specific bigger being with a fluffy purple tail was playing with smaller ones learning to stand, when they see the being carrying him approach. They stop and look towards the other being, and see him. Smiling, their tail extends to the other being, and he is placed into its gentle hold as it curls around him.

He's brought close to the caring being, them carrying him like the other one, who's already hopped away. They smile at him, a small toy made of similar soft materials to their clothes suddenly floating above him. He laughs, looking at the item, and it's given to him. He nuzzles it while the bigger being begins to sing.

Soon, his little eyes grew heavy, and he closes them again as he drifts off to sleep.



Sabre jumped a tiny bit as he felt something tap his hand, his mind returning from his memory.

He looks down and sees the alien blob with the yellow sweater, Ranger, tapping his hand with her tail while being careful not to wake the others. Sabre smiles and leans down to hear her better, listening as the blob squeaks.

"The new nooks are ready? That's great, now we'll have plenty of space for when the new babies get here." Sabre smiles, looking up at the flowers for a moment.

The blob squeaks a little more.

"Hm? Oh yeah, your friends aren't here right now, all of them just went out to forage for food." Sabre replies. "They're fine. Probably will be back in like... 30 minutes, if they don't get held up."

The blob smiles, and Sabre pats her head.

"Alright, why don't you go check in on your little sibling's progress? Their flower should be healing better now."

The blob squeaks a 'thank you' and hops off, leaving Sabre back to his watching of the flower field.

Sabre enjoyed these moments. They were rare nowadays with how busy he was, but knowing that he now had family outside of the blobs, he knew it was worth it. He knew the blobs didn't mind, as they loved getting the chance to prove they can handle themselves for a little bit.

For now, though, all of them were happy with the quiet day in the field.

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