-| Day 8: Fuse |-

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This could be fuse as in electrical fuse, or as in fusion. Your choice :3

Also have fun trying to read the lore parts lol

AU: Prism Amalgam

Context: Sabre and Rainbow keep having flashbacks to the incident that fused them together during a therapy session with Green, who made them come to therapy due to the extreme amount of stress they're both under starting to make them become unstable. This takes place during the exile arc.


[Sabre's POV]

"Okay guys, let's start out with the root cause." Green says calmly, sitting down across from us on a large plush-looking chair.

Rainbow and I sort of wring our hands awkwardly, both of us not really knowing where to start. We're sitting on the couch, while Green patiently waits for us to respond.

"It's okay, take your time you two." He says. "If you'd like, I could go and get Time, or Dark, or even Gerald if it'll help you feel more comfortable?"

"Uh- no, it's okay." I say quickly.

"It's fine, you don't need to." Rainbow says a split second after me.

We haven't almost spoke over each other like that in a long time... and Green noticed it. He starts to look concerned.

"That hasn't happened in a while... I thought you two had gained control over the iffy parts of the fusion?" He asks.

"I... we thought we did." I reply while Rainbow shrugs.

"Exactly how bad is all this stress if it's destabilizing you guys?" Green questions, preparing to start writing in his notebook. "Do you mind telling me what's going on?"

We're both silent for a minute, then Rainbow starts.

"Well... it kinda started back at the Kingdom." He says. "During everything where people were arguing with each other, and... the Corrected Sun... I was always panicking over what would happen because I'd never seen any of the other Chromatics act like that before, and I guess some of it leaked over to Sabre while he was trying to calm me down..."

"He had a lot of panic attacks during that time." I add. "Sometimes it'd end with our house being... electrocuted-"

Crackling bolts of color flew everywhere as the machine worked, pulling Rainbow apart and trying to take me with him. I felt as my skin started to melt and Rainbow's did the same, my hold on him starting to fail as I felt my legs start to dissolve and make me sink down to the floor. All of my nerves were on fire.

"-And after the Corrected Sun attacked and we escaped, we both kind of... had an episode." I hear Rainbow finish saying something to Green. What was that?

"Hm... It'd be understandable that both of you would freak out after seeing all of that, especially in such a short time." Green says, writing something down. "Seems like both of you had different but similar reactions to seeing the people you knew suddenly act so hostile or apathetic. Are there any other instances of this?"

"Uh... yeah. When the Leaders decided to... y'know."

'Pst, Sabre, you okay?' Rainbow asks me internally. 'You were really quiet for a while.'

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