-| Day 19: Habit |-

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Soorrryyy this is late- as my community post thing said I am still sick and not getting any better-

So this is short-

AU: Immortal Assassin (already in AU book if you want more details)

Context: Some things from his time as an assassin have still stuck with Sabre.


[Light's POV]

I was just looking for Sabre, and spotted him in the archery range in the headquarters. What's that he's holding?

I walk over, but I accidentally kick a bow that had been left on the ground once I enter the range.

"Oh, whoops-"

I'm interrupted by a knife suddenly flying through the air and sticking into the wall next to me. I jump back, startled.

"Sabre, what on earth-?!" I exclaim.

I see that Sabre has turned around, looking shocked, but he quickly calms down.

"Light? Man, don't scare me like that! I almost stuck you!"

"Since when do you know how to throw knives?!" I ask, still staring at the blade in the wall.

"Oh, uh... always." Sabre replies a bit awkwardly. He walks over and pulls the knife from the wall. "It's something I had to learn in my... old line of work. It's stuck with me ever since."

He takes a minute, examining the blade. Now that I have a better look at it, there's something etched in the sharp metal. I relax and examine the blade as well, curious.

"What's that on the blade?" I say. "I can't understand it..."

"Wouldn't expect you to, heh. The language is both ancient and not from this world." Sabre answers, smiling as he looks at the blade. "It was a gift from and old friend, before we parted ways when I left for a new world. It reads 'A bond forged by eons stays together in spirit'. He said it was a promise that one day, we'd meet again."

"Huh. That's one fancy knife." I say, admiring how fancy it is, noticing the vast amount of valuable materials it's made out of. Some of them I don't recognize. "Your friend must have been pretty well off."

"...You could say that." Sabre says quietly, putting the knife away in a similarly designed sheath.

He hasn't even put the thing back on his belt when he suddenly takes the knife out and throws it again. It goes right by my shoulder, and I quickly turn around to follow its path.

Standing there, frozen in place but for some reason not looking startled, is Green Steve. The knife went a little above his head, sticking in the left side of the doorframe. After a second, he just has an indifferent expression and pulls the knife out of the wood frame next to him.

"Sabre, we've talked about this." He sighs. "Doing this will just make people wary of you."

"Sorry Green... again." Sabre apologizes, rubbing the back of his next awkwardly.

I glance between the two for a second.

"This... isn't the first time he's thrown a knife at you??" I question.

"It happens when he gets startled." Green says, tossing the knife back to Sabre. Sabre catches it perfectly and slides it back into the sheath with no issue.

"It's a bad habit." He shrugs.

"...What kind of world did you live in where throwing knives at people became a bad habit-?"

"Hey, there were a lot of people going after me then. I got paranoid."

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