-| Day 2: Eyes |-

376 28 63

I think we all know what we're doing with this prompt lol

AU: Enderian (Claimed by Randoomly, this is completely unrelated to her upcoming book)

Context: After an attack in the middle of the night, Rainbow was able to drive off the intruder, but Sabre is missing from his now destroyed house. Worried for his friend, Rainbow looks around the Hub for him as the light of a full moon shines over the land.


[Rainbow's POV]

"Sabre, you better be okay. Please be okay." I mutter as I frantically search around the Hub.

I finally got whoever that was to back off after they wrecked the Hub, but I never saw Sabre during the whole thing. I go to look for him at his house, and the roof and half of the wall is gone and he's not anywhere and there were claw marks everywhere and I found his blindfold in the rubble all torn and- no, I can't freak out now. Calm down, Rainbow. Breathe.

I stop to catch my breath after running around for so long. I need to think this through and stay calm, panicking won't do any good if Sabre is in trouble.

Alright, right now I'm at the portals. I've already checked the areas around Sabre's house, my house, the pig pen... where else could he be? There's no way he's at the rivers or the pond. He hates water; he's allergic to it, for goodness sake! Why would he be hanging around something that burns him-


I turn around to see something really, really tall running off into the shadows. It looked monstrous. Was this what left all those slashes at Sabre's house?

...What if it attacked him?

I grab one of my sticks and quietly go after it. It's heading towards an unfinished part of the Hub that I haven't fully built yet, full of rocks and holes and with a big opening that resembles a cave in the side of a clifflike section of stone. The holes and the cave were making it difficult to build, so I left it alone for a bit while I tried to figure out something to do. I think I'm gonna regret that in a few minutes.

I get a few more glances at this... creature as I follow it. Never saw the whole thing, just bits and pieces of it. Its skin is a deep black, maybe it's a being of Darkness. But then why does it have purple on it too? Maybe it's special? Pretty sure I saw horns peeking out of tangled, kind of matted hair. Got a good look at the claws, those were really sharp. Really hope I don't get hit by those. It has wings similar to a bat's, but more reptilian, sort of. And... a tail. Why does it have a tail-? This thing is weird.

Just as I thought, it goes to the rocky area, and ducks into the large cave opening. Unluckily for it, the cave itself is not that big. It only goes back about twenty blocks. Maybe I can corner it... do I really want to be the only thing between this monster and outside, though?

I jump as I approach the cave, whatever's in there making loud screeches and unsettling wails.

...Nope. No I do not. But... if I don't, it could get out of the Hub and hurt people. Maybe even hurt Sabre and Gerald... if it hasn't already.

I take a deep breath, steel my nerves, and hold my stick over my shoulder in case I have to start swinging at this thing. Times like these I wish I actually made weapons to defend mysel- Oh, wait. I have powers. Right. Can use those if things get ugly.

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