-| Day 16: Below |-

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AU: Return of the Fallen (Part 2 of 'Return')

Context: People are trying to figure out what the frick to do after they realize what's happening. Also a certain fed-up Blue Steve spirit barges into the meeting.


[3rd Person POV]

The meeting room was filled with stressed conversation as the Leaders discussed what they could possibly do, if they could do anything at all. After Light and the Professor (who also had the Assistant to confirm his story) explained their encounters, the Blue and Indigo Leaders had quickly realized what the former heroes had become.

"What are we even going to do to restless spirits? They're spirits." The Yellow Leader says, almost pulling on his hair out of panic and frustration. "It's not like we could fight them with anything. The only people that could even have a chance of being able to come into contact with them are the Blue Steves, but considering how those two have been... affected-"

"Do we even want to attack them, though?" The Violet Leader interrupts. "Sabre was- is our friend, and I'm pretty sure the Professor and the other Red Steves don't want us attacking this 'Colle' person."

"Well, what else are we supposed to do?! They've been corrupted by somehow being condemned to the World Below!" The Indigo Leader says, looking very frustrated. "Like this, they're a danger to everyone!"

There's a beat of silence as all of the Leaders try to calm down, the meeting having been escalating like this for the past hour. The Professor then speaks up, looking a bit nervous.

"...Iiiit also doesn't help that Colle was the Second Hero." He says, avoiding eye contact.

Every person in the room, minus M, snaps their gazes to the Professor.

"I- I beg your pardon?" The Yellow Leader asks.

"Uh, yeah, he was." M adds. "Did the past Leaders of your kingdoms never tell you about that-?"

"NO??" The Orange Leader says, making a sort of shrug motion. "We were all told that the Second Hero was someone that had stepped up voluntarily after the First had fallen- a-and was trained to be the next Hero- and that his color was never known??"

"Ha! All of that is dead wrong!" The Professor laughs.

"Yes, it is..." M says, looking slightly disturbed. "Why on earth did your predecessors lie about that-?"

"No. Idea." The Green Leader says, with his face buried in his hands and sounding exasperated.

"Well... with that addition, that just makes this situation even more confusing." The Violet Leader says.

"How so? It's already confusing enough." The Yellow Leader groans.

"They've both been condemned to the World Below, but... they were both heroes. Outrageously good people, despite what they had been through." Violet continues. "Why would they be condemned?"

Everyone turns to look at the Blue and Indigo Leaders.

"I... don't know. I was thinking the same thing, actually." The Indigo Leader sighs. "It doesn't make any sense to me either."

After a brief silence, the Blue Leader takes a deep breath and braces himself.

"I..." He starts. "I might know why Sabre became condemned, actually."

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