-| Day 22: Grow |-

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AU: Horror

Context: I think you guys would like to see the funny reactions of other characters to Horror!Sabre's absurd sudden height lol. This is before the Darkness gets way out of hand.


[3rd Person POV]

"I understand that it's been a long while since you've last seen him," The Orange Leader says as he and the Yellow Leader walk with the others to show them the shared outpost between their kingdoms. "So just to give you a heads up, Sabre's sort of... grown since then."

"You kind of sound like you're talking about a child." The Green Leader chuckles.

"Well, there's really no other way to put it. Just don't freak out, alright?"

"It can't be that bad." The Violet Leader says. "It's only been, what, a couple months?"

"I agree, he can't have grown that much in the short time he hasn't visited our kingdoms." Blue Steve says, being part of the group because he's been acting as a representative of his people, similarly to Indigo.

"Eh, trust us on this one. You'll be surprised." The Yellow Leader replies, giving a knowing look towards the Orange Leader.

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrive at the outpost. Both Orange and Yellow Steves are around, managing the area and keeping an eye out for Darkness. Some are bringing supplies and delivering messages between the kingdoms, while others are just visiting to see the new development. A few are helping the soldiers stationed there set up their gear and tents.

However, the troops and visitors aren't what the Leaders are focusing on, as they see a very familiar face towering above the entire outpost. A colorful figure is also visible, sitting on his shoulder. They're talking with a few Yellow Guards positioned at one of the outpost's towers.

There's a few seconds of silence as the other Leaders stare, bewildered and caught off-guard by their old friend's height. The Orange and Yellow Leaders hold back laughter at their hilarious expressions.

"You, uh... you guys alright?" The Yellow Leader asks as the Orange Leader stifles a giggle.

"...What in all the realms-?" Indigo mumbles.

"That... should not be physically possible." The Violet Leader says. "Is Sabre okay...?"

"Yeah, he's fine." The Orange Leader answers. "He hasn't said anything about it being painful at all, and he seems normal. He's actually been using his new height to help with the construction of this outpost."

"We should probably check on his health sometime over at my kingdom though, just to be safe..." The Green Leader says, looking concerned. "Because that definitely isn't the product of a normal growth rate."

"Fair enough, Rainbow has been saying the same thing." The Orange Leader says. "Wait a sec, I'm gonna call him over here."

The Orange Leader shouts for Sabre and Rainbow, and they turn to look. He and the Yellow Leader wave, which prompts Sabre to carefully walk over, scooping Rainbow off of his shoulder and setting him down in front of the Leaders.

"Hi there!" Rainbow greets them with a smile. "What're all of you here for?"

"We're just showing them the new joint outpost, since it's the first one in a long time." The Yellow Leader explains.

"Oh, that's cool!" Sabre says happily, towering over the Leaders. "Everybody just finished construction a few hours ago, we were just hanging out while the soldiers were getting set up."

"That- That's good, but uh- Sabre?" Blue Steve asks, a bit intimidated. "Are you alright-?"

"Of course I am. What, do I not look okay?"

"...Sabre, you're like, twenty feet tall." The Green Leader says. "That's concerning."

"He's fifteen feet tall, actually!" Rainbow says, grinning. "I checked his height this morning. It's really cool!"

The Orange and Yellow Leaders have to hold back laughter once again at the expressions of confusion on the other's faces. They've yet to understand Rainbow's slight obliviousness.

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