-| Day 31: Close |-

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This can be interpreted as in closing something or as in close relationship. Your choice :3

AU: The mini-series thing from 'Betrayal' and 'Confinement'

Context: The aftermath.


[Green Steve's POV]

I was so glad when Light and the Colorless Guard finally found us, that day they rushed into the hidden dungeon and freed us all.

They had apparently gotten a lead from finding the former Yellow Assistant's secret compartment of journals, revealing that he was Sol. Using those journals, they found the location Sol had kept us captured in after they arrested him. It turns out that Sabre and I were trapped in a dug-out room built below the Citadel, of all places, for two weeks. Two weeks, we were both missing.

They let us out of the cells first, and took off the draining devices connected to us. Sabre was having trouble standing, but despite that he gladly accepted a hug from Light as he was quickly pulled up by him, Light holding him tightly as if he would lose Sabre again if he let go. It made me smile to see that.

I was approached by the Green Village Leader once he was let out of his cell, the friend that I dragged myself into this mess for. He wasn't angry at me; he said he was just glad I was alright. I said the same, and we held each other in a hug for a while. I needed that... I was so scared I would lose him.

The Guard got us and the rest of the prisoners out of there as soon as possible, and brought us into the medical wing of the Citadel to make sure we were alright. I, Sabre, and a few others that were being drained had to stay for a while longer, but we didn't care. We were just happy that it was over. I've never been so excited to see sunlight coming through a window.

The Leaders practically pounced on Sabre as soon as they heard he was there, all asking if he was okay and if anything happened to him. A few of them were apologizing for their actions from before he was taken, especially Yellow. Sabre told me about how stressed he was because of the tension between the Leaders, so I'm glad that they're putting their friend over their arguments. The Green Leader later came over to me and asked the same things, if I was alright and all that. I told him I was a little shaken up, but mostly alright.

A little while later, and everything's peaceful again. It's so good to be back home, and now I have a direct path to the village that they made for me so I'll be safer on my way there. Sabre's back home too, and he says that he hasn't had any issues with neighbors or vandals since he got back, which is really good. They were really getting to him before.

Sabre's also back to visiting me and going through therapy. At first, I was extremely surprised that he still wanted me to be the one to talk to, but he just repeated what he said back when we were still captured. I eventually accepted his forgiveness, and now we're back to being close friends.

In fact, I think we're closer than before. We talked to each other a lot during our time captured by Sol, and I guess working through our issues together during that helped quite a bit. Sabre always seems to find the bright side in even the worst of situations, and that was no exception. I'm happy that we're still friends, but most of all...

I'm happy that he still trusts me, and I can do the same.


Well then, that's the end of ChromaTober everyone!

Thank you to all that joined the contest, I genuinely wasn't expecting to get so many entries! It was really surprising. And hey, this book stayed at #1 in the writing prompts tag for most of the month because of you guys, so that's pretty cool! I appreciated every bit of the support I was given.

I loved being able to host this year, and I hope that the trend of contests continues next year. Being able to write little prompts like this is so much fun, and I hope you guys had as much fun as I did ^v^

With the contest prize, like I said in the last prompt I'll give everyone until November 5th for their entries to be eligible for it, and then on the 6th I'll post the prize winner as an edit to the rules chapter. Even if you're not going for the prize but still want to continue, I'll still watch out for additions to entires and read them!

With that, this marks the end of my third completed book. Thank you all for the support, and I'll see you in my other works! :3

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