Prologue: Origins of all waters

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Soft winds cradle Fontaine, clear skies, birds chirping and Hilichurls sleeping, underneath the waters though is another story.

As air bubbles crackle, the school of fish part to make way for a young samurai. 

The samurai swiftly swam, considerably hastening his movements from time to time as if to stir clear from a stubborn pursuer.

Using his Vision, the young samurai propelled himself even faster by skillfully manipulating the traces of Anemo in the water. 

His pursuers however were still on to him as they were using cutting edge technology.

Wearing a very recognizable insignia... the Fatui.

One might wonder how the Fatui got to even Fontaine, well the Fatui are everywhere. 

They have reached the furthest corners of Teyvat and anywhere the Adventurer's Guild is present.

As, Fontaine being the land where all water originates from is surrounded by a vast lake, well geographically speaking but locals tend to call it a sea-

Underwater fights can be considered as tricky, but with the aid of its natural environment that the young samurai used to his advantage, he managed to get further from said pursuers.

Though as if to test the limits of their new technology, the Fatui still managed to catch up despite the young samurai's efforts.

Forced to fight, the young samurai leaped out of the water and manifested a huge whirlpool using his Vision.

Taking care not to sweep up any marine life while hindering the Fatui effectively, just shows of his skillful mastery over his Vision.

The chase however, continues as his pursuers' reinforcements arrived and began to attack the young samurai with new technology much like the one used earlier.

Swiftly dodging any attacks, the young samurai managed to steer clear from the pursuers, but his relief was only momentary as a loud splash of water was heard. 

Disrupting the young samurai's focus as the sound was simply too loud for his sensitive hearing.

Taking that chance, the Fatui managed to land a blow on the distracted samurai. 

The impact of the blast that they have fired in turn, caused the young samurai's Vision to react in a way that it hastily manifested a force field to protect its user.

The sound of gushing water could then be heard as they draw near the end of 'the origins of all water'. 

The young samurai, still unfocused woke up after hearing the loud sounds of a waterfall. 

Using his Vision once more, he launched himself in the air just before getting near the waterfall's edge.

Almost reaching an active Antoine Roger Aircraft, the Fatui launched its new device again causing the young samurai to be hit and fall into the water's depths.

The waters were rather cold to one's senses yet it is utmost welcoming, making the young samurai succumb to fatigue.




"Kaedehara Kazuha, a mortal that bested the lightning's glow. I do wonder how he would look, after having his ambition broken hahahahaha HHAAHAHAHA."

"Doctor, the leys are ready."

"Yes, yes carry on. I must muse myself just a little longer" The man in white smiled to himself as he plays with the Gnoses of the Gods on a chessboard.

On the screen in front of the man labelled 'Doctor', who is busily playing with the Gnoses didn't at all notice the young man dressed in ascetic garb that jumped out of the affected aircraft which was unluckily hit by the new device's attack causing it in turn to crash.

Due to which, the ascetic in turn obliterated the Fatui that seemed to have disturbed his sleep.

Then, finally noticing that someone had fallen into the waters, the ascetic decided to pick up the samurai after looking very much annoyed.

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