Chapter 10: Gratitude

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As we slowly approach Sumeru city, I have noticed my savior being nervous if I were to speculate.

"You have gotten pretty talkative lately... is something perchance perturbing you?"

I asked worriedly as he had been repeatedly saying facts about Sumeru and how the scholars are of one tracked minded people.

"Don't assume things on face value, I have always been like this."

"...Yes of course, but if there are some things that do bother you, I would be more than happy to lend an ear to your troubles." I encouraged as I walk ahead by a few steps.

".....Gratitude." I then heard a soft whisper.

"Yes?" I turn towards the source of the voice.

"How do people normally express gratitude?" Making me stop walking, he questioned me with a resolute voice.

"To express gratitude hm... In my opinion, gifts and a simple 'thank you' would be enough."

"A thank you? Would that even suffice."

"Yes. For some, all that would matter is the sincerity behind it. If you are sincere enough, the receiver would then feel your gratitude."

"That's..." He seemed to ponder with a troubled expression, looking more confused before my explanation.

"Oh- were you by chance asking about gift recommendations? Then it would be best to procure a gift that is related to the person in question's preferences"

"Preference.... knowledge...." He started to mumble to himself again, maybe this is a few of his habits?

"Knowledge you say, how about leaning your search towards books."


"How about we look for ones with illustration for accurate visualization. Hmm... have they been to any other nations?"

"....probably not"

"Books about travels may be the right answer then. You have been to other nations aside from Fontaine, yes?"

"Just get to the point already."

"I was wondering if maybe we could illustrate your travels filled with details of geography."

"Are you suggesting we make a map of the nations by scratch? Are you out of your mind or what?"

"The best present to those who have yet to travel is to let them experience it themselves but making them visualize it is also a good start."

"...I'll keep that in mind."



We finally reached Sumeru city, the atmosphere was lively and bustling with activity.

"Fresh Sunsettias for half the price! A special occasion!"

"Flower wreathes for only 5 mora!"

"Get your fortune told for free! But only once though!"

Merchants and small stalls were lined up everywhere as flowers decorated the streets, there seems to be a festivity being held.

As I was dazed in the beauty of my surroundings I seemed to have lost my savior...

"I better stay here for now then..."

"Hey hey mister from a far! Do you want your fortune to be told? It's free! But only once though!"

"I see... there is no harm in trying I suppose." I smiled at the young girl who was holding a crystal orb that Rtawahist or scholars who specialize in reading the stars of fate uses.

"Let's see here.... 'One must thread with caution for—'  huh...? that's weird..."

"Is something the matter?"

"The next lines keep on disappearing... I'm sorry mister the crystal ball must be not feeling well today"

"It is alright, I got a reading free of mora and acquired no losses so there's no need to feel at all sorry."

"Then I should divine for your friend then!"


"The one that is from the sky, heading towards us now" As she said, I looked towards the azure sky and saw the ever familiar blue clothing.

"Samurai! Why are you dilly dallying!" My savior then landed right in front of me as he pulled my hand away from the stall.

"Mister in blue! My orb says that when you are in trouble find clues about Khemia or something! By the way mister in red, welcome to Sumeru! Happy Sabzeruz Festival!"

At those words, my savior briefly halted and then resumed to briskly walk while pulling me along.


AN: Once again I'm rather sorry for all the dialogue and less description, writer's block can be really hard to get over.

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