Chapter 16: Fortunate... or not (1)

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Amidst the fields of irritating stillness, a big hunk of metal blocked our path as two abyss mages that controls Pyro and Electro energies respectively, noticed us.

After some time and taking not much effort, I defeated the annoying abyss mages while the samurai took care of the big hunk of metal.

Bored, I decided to watch his swordsmanship for a bit.

After some time, the samurai then landed the final blow as the big hunk of metal finally fell.

"First the Fatui and now the abyss, this is getting more and more annoying."

'I better report this to Buer... The situation with the Pari too had completely slipped my mind. Although she can see the whole of Sumeru, there are limits to how much she can see within the area.'

After deliberating too much, I couldn't notice my surroundings well as the scrap metal suddenly launched homing bullets at us.

Yet fortunate or not, the target it aimed for wasn't us.

Boom Crash!

"Ow! Woah! Where did those came from?? Wait woah its following me?! Aaaahhhh!!!!"

Soon enough a distant voice was heard along with some of the missiles exploding

And that voice seemed to be getting closer...

Lo and behold, someone... a Vision user was being chased by the homing bullets and is currently heading towards our direction.

"Woah guys! Get away from there!"

"Rather, you could stop heading towards our direction." I coldly retorted as I watched tiredly at the scene.

"I'm sorry but if I dodge now, it would register a new target!"

"Ugh how troublesome!" Frustrated enough as I am, I soon begun manipulating the abundant Anemo energies.

"Wanderer, get ready" The samurai commented as he looked towards the direction of the targeted Vision user and placed his hand on his weapon.

"I know." I replied.

Seeing that I was ready, the samurai then took stance.

While I hover my hand over my Vision, I then started to condense the gathered Anemo energies.

The missiles were just a few meters away now.

But suddenly, Electro energies could be felt as I feel as though all my hairs are standing up from my body.

Another Vision holder came in front of the running idiot.

"Me... handle, go Bennett"

Wild Electro energies then, tumultuous as it was, surprisingly managed to withheld the missiles.

As an image of a wolf made of Electro energy, slowed the upcoming annoyance.

"Alright! Way to go Razor! Now, my turn!"

The idiot then imbued his sword with Pyro energies and cleanly striked the suspended missiles.

'Ugh, why do I feel like I've gotten into something really troublesome... especially the numerous encounters with Vision holders...'






'But though... what a strange human, ever since they tagged along... the idiotic one always somehow manages to be caught in troublesome matters.... like a magnet for trouble.'

"Ah... haha um kinda, sorry."

"What?" I asked in a scowling face as I don't know the reason as to why this one is apologizing.

"It's just that, you have been staring daggers at the back of my head for a while now..."

'Who wouldn't... Falling down traps, somehow aggravating Hilichurls from a great distance and even having a bird land straight on his head... a beget for disaster...'

"Bennett was it?" The samurai asked with a troubled expression visible on his face.


"Well this has been plaguing my mind for a while now but, I have noticed that you have been attracting all kinds of small mishaps upon yourself ever since we first got acquainted"

"Ah! That... well this happens all the time, but whenever I'm with Razor though, my bad luck seems to pretty much be halved."

'Usually it's worse than this?' I silently looked at the Pyro idiot with a tired expression.

"Pretty neat, right Razor?"

"Yes, because Lupical. Bennett."

"Haha oh shucks- woah?!" The Pyro idiot then stumbled and fell into an obvious crevice.

"Bennett! Alright? Hurt??"

"I'm fine Razor! Wait- woah! Look Razor! It's a field of sweet flowers down here"

"Sweet, scent!" The Dog like Electro holder followed the Pyro idiot into the hole.

"Haha! Usually things like this happen when I'm with Razor. Thanks Razor! Now I don't need to buy sugar with mora"

"Not because of me... Bennett, ok."

For some reason the atmosphere seemed fluffy(?) and downright annoying.

The samurai then inched towards the hole and shouted his unfounded concerns.

"Are you both alright?"

"We're alright! We'll go back to guiding you both to Mondstadt after getting a handful of these flowers."


AN: I'M BACK! (/^^)/

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now