Chapter 15: A happy occasion (3)

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The golden hue faded to crimson as the crepuscule drew near.

We journeyed onwards, as I tried to hide the material's shimmer on my person. 

Yet as I did, I could feel my strength drained.

-Thus I struggled as though my heart was being restrained. 

Clenching my chest as I struggled to breathe resulted in the material being dropped, yet I could not forsake it.

I began my chase, ignoring Wanderer's shouts like I was possessed. 

Through the forest I roam and a steep cliff, I fell. 

The material landed over the feet of someone that smelled of stone.

Before I could get near, the person reminiscent of stone picked it up and examined the material with great interest and exclaimed in a cheerful voice.

"Wow! I haven't seen such a material of utmost purity! Its luster is clear and an intact glaze lily is encased! It's even in full bloom! Such a material can't just appear out of nowhere- AH!"

The person reminiscent of stone seemed to be startled of my presence or rather my unruly appearance as I did fell over a steep cliff.

"Are you alright?!"

He exclaimed as he seemed to have noticed my presence and rushed over to help me get up on my feet.

"Hm? Inazuman attire? You must be a traveler from a far then, so this material must be yours I take it?"

"Yes, I do apologize for the abrupt appearance. It fell and thus made me run after it"

"Thankfully so! This material is of high quality! It could be worth 1 million- no! 3 million mora at most or maybe even more!"

His excitement exuded from his figure and became far too close as he shared his excitement.

Shortly afterwards....

A fearsome gale blew past as a familiar blue clothed figure knocked over the enthusiastic person.

"Wanderer, I am delighted that you're here. Without the use of my vision even someone such as myself would find it difficult to cross over a steep cliff."

"Enough with the flowery words samurai, just explain why you went off on your own and who is this"

"Oh, my bad I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kun Jun, I came from a family of artisans and was bedazzled by the material this fellow had or rather uh... dropped haha"

"Material?" Wanderer went closer towards the dizzied Kun Jun and took the material from his hands.

"This... you didn't have this on you when we left for Sumeru. Is this also the thing that attracted the treasure hoarders"

"Yes, I am afraid so. It was a mistake on my part, I will greatly reflect on my actions."

"... You do know it is illegal to take materials in and out the chasm without a permit."

"Should I make haste and return it?"

"No need, returning it now would just get you arrested there and then."

As Wanderer turned to face me, I made a knowing smile.

"So you do know, then why think of doing something stupid in the first place."

He retorted and tipped over his hat as I could briefly see the annoyance plastered on his face, causing me to let out a hushed chuckle.

"Haha... Let us just call it as a 'disguised' ignorance."

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now