Chapter ##: For a tomorrow without regrets (2)

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The blade was dull, evident that it's made by a beginner.

Yet somehow, as the samurai picked up the finished blade and gripped firmly on its hilt.

The blade seemed to shine as he proceeded to slash a drifting leaf into 4 equal parts.

....His swordsmanship feels as though he 'became one' with the blade.

- Wanderer


When Kun Jun and Master Zhang got back we decided that it was now time to depart from the city of Liyue.

On the road, I could feel the hunger resurfacing yet I could not utter a word as it would only bother my companion.

My senses felt as though it had become a blunt end, unpolished and weak... much like this blade that I have forged.

As I begun to ponder in order to distract my thoughts of hunger, lightning struck near.

"Tsk." Wanderer uttered seemingly unfazed by the sound of the roaring thunder.

As the signs were clear, rain soon begun to fall in its entirety, enough to makes one's heart stir.

As I have feared it seems as though my senses have dulled a bit. As, if it were the usual, I myself would normally have sensed the upcoming rainfall yet now, failed to even as much take notice.

Manipulating some traces of Anemo energies, which are now mostly blocked by Electro and Hydro energies, Wanderer made a small barrier to keep himself off the persisting rain.

He then turned towards my direction and seemed to have belatedly realized. 

"Ah.... Right, you can't use your Vision and you shouldn't. Here, Buer did order me to protect you in any way possible."

He then took off his hat and placed it on my head which prompted me to ask in concern. "But what about yourself...?"

"My Vision isn't a piece of decoration you know, as you can see I am making good use of it. I don't need much protection from the elements, this body isn't as fragile to be affected by the cold."

He then looked at my figure and stated. "On the other hand, humans such as yourself are born fragile..."

The following words were mumbled yet even such as I couldn't decipher, it may have been due to the loud instances of the storm or it could've just been myself, trying to be considerate of Wanderer.

Since, as if recalling a distant memory, Wanderer had traces of irritation and a mix of other emotions plastered upon his face.

In situations such as this would be best if one were to feign ignorance.

But seeing that expression, one can't help but go near.

"Hah? What hey!" As I moved in and covered his figure as well with the hat, he replied with surprise and irritation.

"Even so, it's rather tiring to keep using the Vision right? Let us share for now until we get to shelter."

I reasoned calmly as we both know that it is hard to locate and manipulate Anemo energies in a thunderstorm where Electro energies are predominant.

Most of all, it is rather inefficient in a standpoint.

I then smiled from ear to ear cautiously hiding my fatigue from Wanderer.

Maybe seeing as such, Wanderer stopped the complaints.

We continued on to brave the fierce storm....

To take cover from the now strengthened rain, we were greeted with an Inn along the road.

"If I recall this must be Wangshu Inn." I pondered in a slight whisper as even I can't hear my own voice due to the prevailing weather.

The lanterns were open, making the Inn feel welcoming.

Appearing at the doorstep of the Inn however, is a very familiar figure.

"Ah if it isn't Kazuha!" Beidou was seen, holding an umbrella the same color composition as a certain person that the Captain described as 'a person with a bad attitude'.

"This is a pleasant encounter, Beidou"

At Wangshu Inn we stumbled upon Beidou and the Crew, it seems that fate has brought us to meet once more in this short amount of time.

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now