Chapter 19: The second betrayal (1)

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The storm was heavy and annoying as I could only wait for the samurai to fall asleep.

So I could move to finally begin my investigation.

Thankfully so, the 'strong' wine I placed on the food seemed to help him doze off.

'Pfft... light weight.' Remembering the drowsy and foolish look on the samurai's face brightened up my mood a little.

Now, those red crystals have been bothering me for a long while.

The annoyingly blinding crimson tree near the entrance of Dragonspine has the same feel as these crystals...

'Both emanates that disgusting feeling... that is hard to describe. But regardless, I should check if this thing is harmless or not.'

Taking out the blade that the samurai previously forged, although dull it is enough to cut away the red crystals.


'Huh... surprisingly it can stop the cold from entering the body... intriguing.'

As I was about to head back I heard footsteps slowly nearing, but when I turned around to look I saw the samurai passed out on the cold snow.

'How did he follow me here? Wasn't he supposed to be drunk and dead asleep right now?'

Going near the samurai, I used my Vision to manipulate the abundant Anemo energies and levitated him away from the snow.

"Samurai, what are you doing here"

"Ah... Wanderer... You were taking too long... thus I could no longer afford to wait... in fear that something.... Might've happened..."

I don't know if the samurai was half drunk or half asleep but his concerns were unneeded.

"Rather than having needless worries, you who lacks the ability to use a Vision now should've stayed near the monument."

"....I'll be more wary next time... when a similar situation appears..."

"What?" Irritation present on my tone, the surrounding air then went noticeably colder.

"...I swear to not repeat this again..." The samurai now aware of my irritation could only reflect on his impulses.

"Good" Satisfied with the samurai's answer I then freed him from the Anemo energies and pulled him towards the camp.

But a miscalculation nearly killed us both.

The whole area was a cliff and our steps made the fragile layer of snow crumble, having us buried along with it.









What seemed like forever finally stopped as the crumbling of snow halted.

As we fell I was able to quickly make a barrier by manipulating the Anemo energies that can prevent us from being helplessly trapped or suffocated, well that only applied to the samurai.

I after all don't need to breathe in order to be considered 'alive'.

Now buried in these pile of snow along with the drunken samurai, I once again felt the disgusting feeling that I felt from the crimson tree and red crystals.

"Wanderer, a pulse seems to be coming from that direction."

Remembering the phrases of that bard... or rather the Anemo archon, we may have found what we were looking for.

Quickly moving through the piled snow, I followed the samurai as he navigated through the annoying layers of ice.

The 'heart' or whatever seemed to be near, finally even I could hear the rhythmical beats and the disgusting feeling strengthened.

"This must be the source" I said as a brightly lit cave filled with those red crystals was in sight.

In the middle of the cave a 'heart' could be seen.

The samurai then paled as he covered his nose.


"Ah pardon my behavior. The scent was simply too strong for me...."


"Thank you, but this 'heart' seems to smell the same as a place called Elynas in Fontaine... furthermore, it gives off the same sad yet pure sounds if I were to listen closely."

"Well regardless of that, this seems to be what we are looking for."

"I see... do I just simply place my Vision in the heart?"

"I'll do it. We don't know what might happen when a human comes in contact with that thing's energy."

Without giving the samurai a chance to speak, I took his Vision and placed it inside the 'heart' but as I went near, my Vision in turn was also taken by the 'heart' as everything went black.

"Wanderer------ --------!" In the midst of losing my consciousness I could hear the samurai's voice calling out my name and the rest were a blur.

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now