Chapter 2: Greetings (1)

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"Cough cough..." Lying on the white sand I stared at the blue sky and felt the sun casting its warm rays upon me. 

Rustles of sand drew near as a blurry figure blocks the cascading rays and proceeded to thus complain.

"Ah... seriously this is the 4th time I've come across someone willing to die by drowning."

He paused for a moment seemingly contemplating about his past encounters. After finishing so, he continued on with his words.

"If you want to die so badly I suggest that you climb to the peak of Dragonspine and take a dive to your eternal sleep. At least there, you won't bother any passerby"

The stranger spoke in an irritated yet unbothered tone as he tilted his hat as if, to cover one's face.

"Haha... honestly I myself have yet to set foot on Dragonspine during my pilgrimage but I have heard rumors that the snow there never stops to fall..." 

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, picturing the mountain clad in snow and ice.

"You have my thanks, kind stranger. I was in a bit of a situation there I suppose..." To show my gratitude, I decided to stand and bow towards my savior.

But having little strength to sit up I started to grunt as I feel the pain of my wounds seething in.

"Save your efforts, with wounds like that, you would've been categorized as a walking corpse by now." He then stared at my figure and thus grew silent.

Though with his gaze casted upon me, it felt as if he were evaluating my very soul.

"But luckily due to your Vision there, you're hanging on by a thread." 

The stranger scoffed at me as he sat on the sand and stared at the azure sky that compliments his blue themed attire.

"Is there... by chance a village nearby..?" 

"If you take as much as a step from where you are, then you might as well just be a corpse."

As if reading my intentions, the stranger didn't spare to give a harsh warning.

"But if I don't treat my wounds I might just perish before you..."

"You'll die either way so just stay still there and wait for yourself to rot."

"Is... that so? Then may I please ask your name?" I gave up trying to force myself to sit as I lay on the warm sands, I proceeded to inquire about my savior's surname.

He took a brief moment of pause before asking me with a judging look on his face. "... Why?"

"I have to at least know the name of my savior" I smiled at the stranger while clutching my bleeding stomach.

"So you could drag me to the abyss with you after you rot? Haha... you wish."

"Ah... this might be quite rude but..."

"If you think that it's rude, then don't bother saying it."

"Has someone ever told you before that your imagination is a bit complex? If I were to word it that is hehe

I let out a hushed chuckle, barely halting myself from laughing.

"Is that an insult or a genuine question...?" The stranger looked at me with tired eyes as if he didn't want to deal with my antics any further.

But I do find this chat rather comforting, being accompanied by the sea breeze and the warm sunlight feels as though I'm being lulled to a slumber...

" what... is... your name...?" At my last question I could briefly see the stranger looking towards my direction.

It seems that he was about to say something but my consciousness could no longer held back the fatigue as everything goes black.

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