Chapter 1: Escape

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The Avengers all stood together in the top room of Stark Towers after the intense battle that they had just been through, fighting off an alien race known as the Chitauri, lead by Loki Laufeyson of Asgard.

Loki was now handcuffed, standing next to his brother Thor Odinson, and his lover (Y/n).

Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, walked past them. "On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." He said into his earpiece.

Loki changes into Steve and began mimicking him. "'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue.'" He changed back into himself and looked to (Y/n). "Honestly darling, how do you keep your food down?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and pressed a device to Loki's mouth which wrapped around his head gagging him. "Shut. Up."

The Tesseract was put into a metal briefcase, held by Tony, and all the Avengers, soldiers, and Loki piled into the elevator.

Hulk tried to come in too, but everyone objected.

"Woah, hey buddy, what do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached." Tony told him.

"Take the stairs!" Thor suggested.

Loki waved goodbye at Hulk as the elevator doors closed. Hulk, who was not happy at taking the stairs, raised his fist and punched the elevator doors as they closed.

While the elevator was going down, (Y/n) felt something touching her hand. She glanced down and saw that Loki was trying to hold her hand.

Unfortunately for Loki, she was still mad at him and swatted his hand away, crossing her arms.


The elevator reached the bottom floor of the tower and everyone shuffled out. As they walked along the first floor lobby, the were approached by more men in suits.

The oldest looking of all of them stepped forward. "Uh, may I ask you where you're going?"

"Lunch and then Asgard." Thor answered. "I'm sorry and you are...?"

"Alexander Pierce is the man behind Nick Fury." Tony introduced.


"My friends call me Mr. Secretary. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that prisoner over." Pierce requested.

"Loki will be answering to Odin himself." Thor told them, while Loki rolled his eyes.

Pierce shook his head. "No, he's gonna answer to us, and Logan can have whatever's left and I'm gonna need that case. That's been S.H.I.E.L.D property for over 70 years."

The men tried to grab the case from Tony, who suddenly appeared to start having some problems with his chest. He had trouble breathing and began sinking down to the floor, dropping the case with the Tesseract in it.

While everyone was occupied with Tony, a small man the size of an ant ran over to the case, and kicked it away a few feet away from everyone.

A man all dressed in black that, oddly, looked a lot like Tony, picked it up and started walking away with it.

The man made it only a few steps before the Hulk burst out of a door, hitting him with the door, and knocking him to the ground.

"No stairs!" Hulk bellowed.

He dropped the case, and it burst open, making the Cube fall out. It slid along the floor, hitting Loki's foot.

Loki glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and bent down, picked up the Tesseract, and used it to teleport away.

"Where's Loki?"





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