Chapter 4: Something Better

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"So what are you going to do?" Mobius asked Loki.

The two of them were sitting in the time theater, Loki wearing the tan jumpsuit and collar.

This was back when he and Mobius first met.

"Finish what I started." Loki answered.

"Which is?"

"Claim my throne."

"You wanna be King?"

"I don't want to be. I was born to be." Loki told him.

"I know, but King of what, exactly?" Mobius specified.

Loki suddenly glitched, signally that future Loki had Time-Slipped into his last self.

Mobius didn't seem to notice and continued talking. "Okay, so let's get into it. The man who would be King."

Loki shook his head. "No, Mobius, stop."

Mobius looked up at him. "Stop? We just started. We gotta keep going."

"No, no, no. I know what this is." Loki insisted.

"What is it?"

"You want to know what makes Loki tick?"

"Yes." Mobius agreed.

"You want to know why I do what I do? Why I have so much range?"


"You're gonna make notes and then you're gonna click that button on that machine and then you're gonna play out scenes from my whole life, how it's all meant to be, past present, future. Burdened with glorious purpose. My life was a waste of time." Loki summed up.

Mobius raised his brows in surprise. "Okay, it looks like someone got a hold of the set list. How are you doing this?"

"Mobius, I need your help." Loki requested.

"I'm listening." He said.

"How do you choose who loves and who dies?" Loki asked.

"Prune." Mobius corrected. "We prune around here and we don't choose the Time-Keepers, they have that responsibility."

Loki sighed. "The Time-Keepers, right. They're busy untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches. I know the dogma, but really, you're the one doing it."

"Because it was the proper flow of time."

"What comfort is that?"

"Comfort? Well, there's no comfort. You're not going to find comfort at the TVA. You wanna hear a good story? Listen to this one. A couple of Hunters went out on a mission somewhere near the Black Sea to find a Variant who's gonna be responsible for 5,000 deaths, that were not in the proper flow of time. They get there and there's a little hiccup. The Variant is an eight-year-old boy." Mobius revealed.

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