Chapter 5: Pompeii

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Loki entered the cafeteria, still pulling (Y/n) behind him. They came over to Mobius' table who was eating a salad.

"I found something." Loki announced.

Mobius shook his head. "No, I said don't bother me till you read all the files."

"I have."

"Every file?"


"Pertaining to the Variant?"

"The answer isn't in the files, it's on the timeline."

Loki pulled out one of the chairs and set (Y/n) down in it before sitting in another chair.

"He's hiding in apocalypses." Loki revealed.

"Which apocalypse? Any time in history? There's like, a million of them." Mobius said.

"Ragnarok. Are you familiar?" Loki asked.

"Yes, the destruction of Asgard and most of its people. I'm sorry." Mobius recited with sympathy.

"Yes, very sad...Anyway, it got me thinking..."

"Go ahead."

"Nexus events happen when someone does something their not supposed to do, right?"

"Well, it's a little more complicated than that, but yeah."

Loki gave him a thumbs up. "Great. And then that thing they're not supposed to do, cascades into a whole range of other things that aren't supposed to happen. And so on and so forth until eventually, a new timeline branches. Yes?"

"Chaotic alteration of a predetermined outcome." Mobius told him.

"Exactly. So, let's just say..." Loki grabbed Mobius' salad. "...your salad is Asgard in this scenario."

"No, it's not Asgard, that's my lunch."

"It's a metaphor."

"I want that salad."

"Just hang in there. I could go down to Asgard before Ragnarok causes it's complete destruction and I could do anything I wanted." Loki picked up the little salt shaker on the table. "I could, let's say, push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge." He then started pouring the salt onto the salad. "There he goes."

"The salt's Hulk?"

Loki then picked up the pepper container as well. "And I could also...set fire to the Palace." He poured the pepper in there too.

Mobius sighed heavily. "No, just stop. Don't set fire to the palace. (Y/n), stop him."

(Y/n) lifted up a finger. "Hang on, let's see where he's going with this." Unlike Mobius, who was too busy focusing on the fact that Loki was defacing his salad, (Y/n) was following along to with what he was saying.

"Okay? I can do whatever I want to do, and it would never matter. It wouldn't go against the dictates of the timeline because..." Loki put down the salt and pepper and picked up Mobius' Josta can only to find it empty.

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