Chapter 3: Loki vs. Loki vs. Loki vs. Loki

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President Loki and all the other Loki Variants stood in the hideout, staring at the other Lokis, while Loki and (Y/n) stood awkwardly to the side.

"You bastard! You led the wolves to our door."  Classic Loki yelled at Loki.

"We prefer snakes to wolves." President Loki told him.

"I've eaten both. They die just the same." Kid Loki snarled.

Boastful Loki held his hammer against Kid Loki's neck. "Apologies my liege. I betrayed you, and now, I'm King." He declared.

President Loki stepped forward. "About that..."

The Loki crew pointed their weapons at Boastful Loki.

"You can't be serious..."

President Loki smirked. "Come on. What did you expect?" He glanced around the room, and his eyes landed on (Y/n). "And who are you? Are you a Loki as well?"

"No, she's a (Y/n). And you better fulfill your part of the bargain! I gave you our location. In exchange for shelter and supplies, you give me your army, I take the throne and (Y/n) as my Queen!" Boastful Loki complained.

(Y/n) looked at him incredulously. "I'm sorry, what?"

President Loki's brows raised and he stared at (Y/n), a smirk forming on his face. "A (Y/n) you say? Well, isn't that interesting. How's this for a bargain? My throne..." he strolled over to (Y/n) and grasped her wrist, pulling her against his chest. "...My (Y/n)." President Loki offered, smiling smugly.

(Y/n) scoffed. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?"

"Why, I'm your future King, pet. And you will be my Queen." President Loki told her, running his hand along her cheek.

"About that..."

The Loki army turned and pointed their weapons at him.

"Why you beef-witted, half-faced scrubs. We had a deal!" President Loki yelled.

"For God's sake..."

Alligator Loki growled.

"Why the hell is there an alligator in here?!" President Loki asked.

"He's a Loki!"

Alligator Loki lunged forward and bit President Loki's hand that was holding (Y/n)'s wrist. He released (Y/n) and struggled to pull the gator off, but when he finally managed, he saw that his hand was gone.

He screamed loudly, causing an all out brawl to take place. All the Lokis began fighting each other, trying to claim the throne. Loki quietly slunk through the fighting over to where (Y/n) was and grabbed her hand, pulling her through the chaos. They met up with Classic Loki, Kid Loki and Alligator Loki at the far end of their hideout.

Classic Loki created projection of the five of them, who began 'battling' the other Lokis, allowing him to create a green portal allowing them to escape.

With (Y/n)'s hand still intertwined in his, she and Loki followed them through the portal.


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