Chapter 1: Faster

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"Load the Multiplier, launch it and get back." O.B. instructed Timely.

Timely nodded. "Got it. Time to be brave."

"Good luck."

Timely descended down the stairs to go out on the suit and load the Multiplier.

Loki and (Y/n) stood behind, watching Timely go down, when they suddenly glitched.

Loki and (Y/n) had just entered the bodies of their previous selves through their Time-Slipping which they could now control.

Loki looked around in surprise. "We're back." He muttered.

"You two okay?" Mobius asked.

"Yes. We have to get Timely out of there." (Y/n) warned.

"How long will he have?" Sylvie asked.

"Not long."

"Yeah, I don't know about these radiation levels." Mobius doubted. "It's even worse than when I was down there."

"He'll make it." Sylvie stated.

"Ready." They heard Timely speak over the mic.

"Come on, let's go, let's go." Mobius encouraged.

The doors to the gangway opened, and Timely ran out...only to get disintegrated within seconds and have his body fall apart into literal strands.

Everybody stood around in shock. The radiation was too high.

They had failed.

"W-What...what happened?...Where is he?" Mobius asked.

"He's gone." Sylvie muttered.

"What happened?"

"It's over."

"Is he dead?"

"The Temporal Radiation was just too high."

"What did we do wrong?"

"I don't know."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It wasn't me."

Loki and (Y/n) walked over to O.B. "What could we have done differently?" (Y/n) asked.

"Good question...we took too long." O.B. answered.

Loki looked at (Y/n) and held out his hand to her. "Again. Faster."

She looks at him with determination. "Faster." And took his hand.


"Okay, okay. No time to argue!" O.B. panicked, pulling Timely to the stairs. "Listen. Get down there, get suited up, when—."

"When those doors open, get down the gangway as fast as you can. Load the Multiplier, hit the green button, launch it and get back. Okay?" Loki interrupted.

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