Chapter 1: He Who Remains

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Sylvie, Loki, and (Y/n) all approached the giant double doors of the mansion that sat on top of a floating rock in the middle of space and time.

Sylvie stepped closer to the doors and stared up at it while Loki and (Y/n) stood hand in hand behind her.

"Aren't you going to tell me not to kick the door in?" Sylvie asked them.

(Y/n) shrugged. "Well, it never really made a difference, did it?"

Sylvie looked at her. "Well, if you think it's a bad idea, I prefer you both to speak your mind."

Loki shook his head. "No. Nothing to say."

"That's a first." Sylvie commented. She went to take a step forward, but hesitated, just staring at the door.

(Y/n) placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Sylvie nodded. "Yeah. Just need a moment."

"Right." Loki replied. "It's just that you..."

"Loki, shut up. I was pruned before you even existed. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. I just need a second to get my head straight, okay?" Sylvie insisted.

Loki and (Y/n) stepped back, allowing Sylvie to have her moment.

She didn't get to have it for very long, when the two double doors opened on their own. The three of them shared a cautious look before stepping inside the building.

They stepped into a room that was tall and black with golden cracks all around it. There were several pillars and statues inside, and the room looked very dark and ominous.

Loki, (Y/n), and Sylvie slowly stepped forward into the room as the doors closed behind them. They started making their way towards an entrance further into the mansion when a familiar clock appeared in front of them.

"Hey y'all!" Miss Minutes greeted.

(Y/n) jumped but drew her sword, so did Loki and Sylvie.

"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time. Congratulations. Y'all had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed."

Sylvie furrowed her brows. "Who's impressed?"

"He Who Remains."

"And who is he?" Loki asked.

"He created all and he controls all. At the end, it is only He Who Remains. And he wants to offer you a deal. He's been making a few creative adjustments, and he's worked it out so we can reinsert all of you back into the Timeline in a way that won't disrupt things."

"Won't disrupt things?" (Y/n) repeated.

"Mmm-Hmm. The TVA can keep doing its vital work and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted."

"And what have we always wanted?" Loki questioned.

"Now don't play coy with me mister. You know how you got into this mess."

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