Chapter 4: Interrogation

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Mobius and Loki stepped out of the red door and reentered the Time Theater.

"Fancy technology. Threatening interrogation tactics. Seems you and I are in a loop of our own." Loki commented as he sat down at the table.

Mobius sat across from him and pulled out a notepad and pencil. "Well, there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then."

"Certainly has."

"Okay, you said the TVA is lying to me. Go ahead. Or is that just a cockroach's survival mechanism kicking in?" Mobius asked sarcastically.

"Let me out of this place, stop beating me up, and I'll tell you." Loki bargained.

Mobius nodded. "Cockroach. Got it. How long have you been working for the Variant?"

Loki furrowed his brows. "Me? Working for her? Please."

"Okay, so if you're not working for the Variant, what is it? You're partners?" Mobius guessed.

"No, not partners no."

"Yeah, I guess you don't do partners. Unless of course, it benefits you, and you intend to betray them at some point."

"It was a means to an end, Mobius. Welcome to the real world. Down there, we're awful to one another to get what we want." Loki told him sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about (Y/n)."

Loki paused and looked down. "How is she?"

"We'll get to her in a second. Right now, why don't you just tell me what caused the Nexus event on Lamentis?" Mobius requested.

"Let me say this again. I'm not going to tell you just so you can turn around immediately afterwards and prune me." Loki argued.

Mobius shrugged. "I guess we've reached a dead end then."

Loki nodded. "Okay, it's over."

"I'm going to miss these little tete-a-tetes."

"Me too."

"One guy playing checkers, you, old Mobius playing chess, but, yeah, give my regards to Lady Sif." Mobius commented, pulling out his TemPad.

Loki stiffened, not wanting to go back in there. ", wait, please. Please not...well, wait, wait, wait."


Loki sighed. "Of course it was me pulling the strings all along. She came to me on Asgard a long time ago and then she took me to one of her apocalypses and that's where we hatched our plan together."

"Which is?" Mobius egged.

"Coming along very nicely, thank you." Loki snapped.

"And how exactly does (Y/n) fit into all this?" Mobius asked.

Loki shrugged. "Doesn't matter. She's a pawn."

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