Chapter 4: Too Late

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"About time. What's taking you guys so long?" O.B. asked on the other end of the line.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief. "O.B. Miss Minutes is sabotaging everything, slowing us down."

"I could take her offline if I reboot the system." O.B. suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Reboot the system." They heard Mobius agree.

"But we'll lose the entire safety system. The security protocols will go down. Like the dampeners that prevent people from using magic at the TVA." O.B. explained.

Loki, (Y/n), and Sylvie all shared a look.

"TURN IT OFF!!!" They yelled through the phone.


"And this is where the Mutiplier goes." Timely finished explaining.

Just then, the lights started flickering in the room.

"That's getting worse." Brad commented.

"That's not another power surge." Miss Minutes said. "Let me investigate."

She suddenly started glitching, and her eyes widened. "Someone's trying to reboot the system. I c-can't a-access it. I'm being l-l-lock-locked out."

"They're up to something. What's happening to you?" Renslayer asked.

"Th-They're taking me offline. I'm los-losing m-my cognitive f-facilities. I only have moments left...Victor, I need to tell you-tell you...You'll never be him."

Miss Minutes disappeared, and Victor fiddled with his hands.

"Oh dear..."

The lights to the room shut off, and Brad looked slightly scared. "That's new."

"Go." Renslayer ordered.


Brad exited the war room and looked up and down the hall. He heard a slight noise, which made him jump. He faced the direction where it came from and lit his prune stick, slowly creeping towards the dark corner.

"What do you say, X-5? Fancy a rematch?" Loki spoke from the darkness.

Brad prepared to fight, but Sylvie came up behind him and grabbed his head in her hands, enchanting him.


The lights to the War Room came back on, as Brad slowly opened the door and peeked his head in. The rest of his body followed him inside, and Renslayer gave him a weird look.

"X-5? What's going on?"

Brad smiled and walked towards her. "This is cozy." He grabbed Renslayer's arm and pulled her closer to him. "Come here for a second. Come here. Come here."

Renslayer was becoming more and more confused. "What's going on?"

"I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." He commented.

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