Chapter 4: Partnership

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Loki, (Y/n) and Mobius rode the three-person bike around the area looking for Timely, when they came down an alley and saw him standing outside an open window with Renslayer.

As soon as they spotted them, Timely and Renslayer started running away. They went to go after him when the Baron and his two associates came down a flight of stairs. Apparently they were looking for Timely too.

"Where'd he go?" Mobius asked.

"You two rat bags and your harlot stay away from him. He's mine!" The Baron yelled.

Mobius looked to Loki. "Go ahead."

Loki furrowed his brow. "I beg your pardon? That's not how you talk to a lady."

He raised his hands and blasted one of the men away with magic while the other two ran away.

"Take him! He's all yours!"

The three of them split up, running around the alleyways looking for Timely and Renslayer, but they just ended up right back where they started.


"No, nothing."

"Where could they have gone?"

"I'll have B-15 run a trace."

"This way."

The three of them ran off, and as soon as they were gone, Timely and Renslayer slipped out of their hiding spot behind a fake wall, and ran down the alley, away from where (Y/n), Loki and Mobius had gone.


The next thing Renslayer knew, she was sitting next to Victor Timely in a lifeboat that hung off the side of a large ferry that was taking them across the lake to Timely's lab to grab one of his inventions.

"So, what's this important work of yours that's so important?" Renslayer asked.

"The key to...understanding and manipulating...time." He answered, pulling out the little orange book. "I keep everything I've ever imagined in here. All my designs."

"That looks impressive."

"It's a TVA guidebook. Perhaps you recognize it? It was delivered to me...when I was a child. Dropped into my life by some...divine hand. I never found out who."

Timely looked over at Renslayer who was giving him a look. He put two and two together.


She nodded. "Yes. I brought it to you."

Miss Minutes, who was sitting in the rail of the boat, scoffed. "You brought it to him the way the postman brings the post. We both knew whose plan it was."

Timely smiled. "Well, whoever it was, I thank you. This book has...defined the course of my life. I like to think of it as a correspondence between myself and the visionary author, Ouroboros."

He flipped to a page and pointed at a device that looked like a sphere in a stand. "Here. This is the most...important discovery I-I-I've made...yet. It's a Throughput Multiplier. It could help you with your Loom. I always thought my ideas were good, I just didn't have the technology to make them...really work."

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