Chapter 1: Lamentis - 1

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Loki came out of the orange door and ended up back at the TVA, in the locker room right before he Mobius and (Y/n) went to Alabama.

He knew the Variant must be in here somewhere, and he had a feeling he knew where she was going.

He went to follow after her, but paused. He turned around and stared at B-15's locker, knowing what was in there.


Loki carefully walked through the halls of the TVA, the two daggers clutched in his hands, looking for the Variant. It wasn't hard to find her. All he had to do was follow the trail of unconscious soldiers.

He rounded a certain corner and saw her standing in front of golden elevator doors with two Minutemen on the ground around her. She saw him standing there and drew her own sword.

"A few questions." Loki said.

"Have you really got nothing else better to do?" The Variant asked in annoyance.

"Rude." Loki commented. "Are you sure you're a Loki?"

"You're in my way."

"You are my way."

The Variant swung her sword at Loki, and he blocked it. He tried to get her as well, but she grabbed his arm and pushed him away.

"I though perhaps we could work together. But now I see, you lack vision." Loki told her.

The Variant groaned and rolled her eyes. She turned away and continued to the elevators.

"So, either you come willingly..." Loki grabbed her shoulder but she twisted his arm. She tried to stab him but he dodged and twisted her arm. "Or you won't. Either way, that's how I get to the Time-Keepers."

"Oh God, shut up!" The Variant snapped, rolling onto the ground and using her foot to kick him over her and onto his back.

The two sat up, their hands still on each others wrists, and faced each other ready to keep fighting.

"Hey!" Someone called.

They both looked over and saw (Y/n) standing in front of them, holding a pruning stick.

The Variant pulled Loki closer and held her sword to his chest. "Come any closer and I'll kill him." She warned.

(Y/n) shrugged. "Eh, go for it."

Loki's mouth dropped open, looking very offended. (Y/n) ran towards them and Loki quickly pulled out the Variant's TemPad. Just as (Y/n) stood in front of Loki and grabbed the front of his shirt, raising her pruning stick, Loki used the TemPad to open a door underneath all three of them which they all fell through.


They landed in a small shack, who knows where. The Variant fell on her back and so did Loki, but (Y/n) fell on top of Loki.

"Strange. Usually this is the other way around." Loki commented.

(Y/n) gave him a disgusted look and rolled off of him.

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