Chapter 3: Getting Advice

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Sylvie lifted her blade getting ready to swing and kill He Who Remains, when another clashed with hers.

Sylvie and (Y/n) stared at each other, neither of them moving away.

"Sylvie...stop. Stop...stop. I know that you're hurting—."

(Y/n) suddenly glitched, and Loki appeared right beside her.

Sylvie stared at (Y/n) in confusion, not sure what just happened.

Loki stared at her. "You don't want this." He wrapped an arm around Sylvie's waist and pushed her away.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"You're right. What were you thinking trusting me? I can't be trusted. You have to believe me. You cannot kill him." Loki declared. "You must not follow through. It all ends if you do. I know this sounds strange. I've seen it. I know it."

"Get out of my way." Sylvie went to walk past him, but Loki put a hand to her chest and stopped her.

"I won't."

"You've been seduced by a throne." She accused.

"The last thing I want is a throne! Sylvie stop!" Loki yelled at her.

"If you want me to stop, you'll have to kill me." Sylvie told him.

She pushed him out of the way, and went to attack He Who Remains, but (Y/n) blocked her with her own sword.

"I don't want to hurt you." Sylvie said.

"And I don't want to hurt you either. Just let us explain!" (Y/n) pleaded.

But Sylvie didn't listen. She grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and pulled her around so she was out of her way. Then she blasted Loki and (Y/n) onto the ground.

They both looked up and saw Sylvie stab He Who Remains in the chest.

"See you soon." He sputtered.


Loki and (Y/n) continued to go back and try to prevent Sylvie from killing He Who Remains.

"Sylvie stop!" Loki shouted, as he clashed blades with her.


"If you want to stop me you'll have to kill me." She repeated.


Loki and (Y/n) were tossed to the floor as Sylvie stabbed He Who Remains in the chest again.

"See you soon."


Both (Y/n) and Loki were clashing blades with Sylvie when they were once again blasted back by her magic, allowing her to kill him again.

"See you soon."


"Not what you were expecting, hmm?" He Who Remains asked.

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