Chapter 4: Kicked Off

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🎵"She sings, she sings come home, when she sings, she sings come home."🎵

Sylvie and (Y/n) woke up to someone singing, and music being played. They looked up, blinking the sleep from their eyes, and saw Loki standing in the middle of the car singing an Asgardian song, with everyone watching him.

(Y/n) and Sylvie noticed he was no longer in the guard uniform, but was back in his TVA clothes. They waved to get his attention, and he waved back at them, completely oblivious that they were trying to tell him something.

🎵"When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home."🎵

(Y/n) climbed out of the booth, and ran over to Loki to pull him away from his audience. He saw her coming and his face lit up.

"(Y/n)! Come dance with me." He requested.

"Loki, this is not the time—!"

He cut her off by wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her hand in his. He gestured for everyone to stop clapping and started leading her through a traditional Asgardian dance while he sang the song at a slower pace.

(Y/n) looked a little embarrassed to be dancing in front of all these people, but Loki stuck his hand under her chin and tilted her face to look back up at him.

He sang the song in a deep soothing voice, and as she stared into his eyes while they danced, her body seemed to remember what to do. She started following the rest of steps to the dance, without Loki having to lead her through it.

Loki looked so surprised that she knew the dance, but he was also overjoyed. It was the first dance they had done together on Asgard, and Loki had been singing that exact same song.

He grinned from ear to ear and released her, returning to the upbeat tune of the song.

🎵"When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home."🎵

Loki grabbed a glass. "To (Y/n), everybody!" He announced. He finished off the drink and slammed the glass down onto the floor. "Another!"

Sylvie got up and walked over to Loki. "You're drunk." She accused.

"No, I'm just full. I'm very full." He denied.

"Yeah, full on drunk." (Y/n) said.

Loki turned around and smiled widely. "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed, acting like he didn't just see her two seconds ago.

He held up a small plate of something. "I need you to try this. It pairs very nicely with the figgy port. Who's got the figgy port?" He looked around but didn't see it. "Well you just have to take my word in the figgy port."

"Where's your uniform? We're supposed to be laying low." Sylvie told him.

"Nobody cares. It's the end of the world." Loki told her.

"Loki, I think something's happening. I have a bad feeling." (Y/n) insisted.

"Why yes darling, something is happening." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pointed up at the window on the ceiling. "That planet is about to crash into us."

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