Chapter 4: O.B.

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"So, Sylvie kicking sending you both through the Time Door started all this?" Mobius asked.

(Y/n) nodded. "I think so. It was He Who Remains' TemPad, maybe that's why?"

"Wait, that's who you said had my memory wiped?"

"Yes, He Who Remains." Loki confirmed.

"Is that what you're calling him, or that's his name?"

"It's how he's introduced."

Mobius scoffed. "That's arrogant. It's like calling yourself 'Last Man Standing.'"

"His real name is Kang."

"It's not that arrogant if you can back it up." Loki pointed out.

"Can he back it up?"


"That's scary."

"Imagine a million of them."

"I'd rather not."


Mobius lead them down several floors into a section that looked like the basement of the TVA. They walked down a narrow hallway, that had white walls with several cabinets against them, and there were pipes all along the ceiling.

"You know where you're going?"

"Yeah, it's just right up here."

He led them to a circular archway that opened up into a large room that was filled with shelves that contained multiple boxes, machines, tools, and a bunch of mismatched objects as well. At the front, was a large counter with several pieces of paper and random junk on it.

"It's been a while since I've been down here...actually I'm not sure I've ever been down here." Mobius said.

They all head mechanical whirring and looked up to see a man being lowered down on a mechanical chair.

"Oh hey. Welcome to R & A." The man greeted.

He was a short man with short black hair, glasses, and he was wearing a tan jumpsuit.

"We have a little bit of a situation for you." Mobius told him.

"Mobius." The man greeted. "Wow! Great to see you again."

Mobius stared at him. It was very obvious that he did not remember meeting this person at all. But he tried not to show it. "Good to see you too. Yeah...I...Loki, (Y/n), I want to introduce you both to..."

The man extended his hand to Loki and (Y/n). "I'm Ouroboros. But Mobius calls me O.B. Nice to meet you both."

Mobius nodded. "Yeah, I call him O.B. It's a...nickname I have."

"Wow. How long has it been?" O.B. asked.

Mobius exhaled deeply. " long has it been? Could it be three or four..."

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