Chapter 1: More Lokis

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Loki woke up in what looked like an apocalyptic wasteland. In the distance he could see city buildings that all looked rotted and decayed.

In front of him stood an older man with golden horns, a tall, muscular man with dark skin holding a hammer made of a cinderblock and a wrench, and a young boy holding an alligator with horns.

To his left, he spotted a giant dark cloud slowly inching its way towards them all.

Loki stood up and flipped his hair out of his face, looking at the people, and alligator, in front of him. It wasn't difficult to deduce that they were Lokis.

"What is this place? What is that? Who are you?"

"This is the Void. That's Alioth. And we're his lunch. Come on!" Classic Loki hurried.


Loki followed the group across a vast field of grass, where several broken and decayed objects sat littered across the ground.

"I suggest we take a breather so I can ask several thousand questions." Loki requested.

"Gotta keep moving so we don't die." Classic Loki told him.

"Okay, but what's your plan?"

"Don't die."

"Okay, but beyond that?"

"Don't die."

"Don't die? That's not a plan. It's a general demand of living. If you're Lokis, you should always have..."

Several birds ran past Loki, and he finally had enough. "Will someone please explain to me what the hell os going on?!" He shouted.

"Look, it's been a very, very, very trying last few days. Months? I don't even know how long it's been since New York. All I know is, I got pruned and I woke up here, and now I'm surrounded by Variants of myself, plus an alligator, which I'm heartbroken to report I didn't even find all that strange. And now we're running from God knows what to God knows where. When I need to be trying to find a way back to the TVA, and (Y/n)!" He ranted.

Kid Loki summing a small sword and pointed it at Loki, who was so startled he fell onto his back.

"Stop wailing or you will signal Alioth." He hissed.

Loki pointed upwards. "You mean the monster in the sky?" He whispered.

The kid rolled his eyes, and cast his sword away, before helping Loki back up. "This is where the TVA dumps its rubbish, everything they prune. And Alioth, he ensures none of it ever returns.

"It's a living tempest that consumes matter and energy. They send entire branches realities here that are devoured in an instant." Boastful Loki added.

"We're in a shark tank. Alioth is the shark." Classic Loki summed up.

The alligator hissed and growled.

"Oh, there's no such thing as an alligator tank." Classic Loki told the reptile. "Besides, it's a better metaphor. He's overly sensitive like the rest of us."

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