Chapter 2: Even More Lokis

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The Lokis lead Loki and (Y/n) to the top of a hill where a metal door was built into the ground. They opened it and one by one started climbing down the ladder that lead to their underground base that looked like a mixture of a bowling alley and Santa's village.

"So, why did you two want to return to the TVA so badly anyway?" Classic Loki asked.

"You leave your glorious purpose there?" Boastful Loki added.

Loki glanced at (Y/n). "...Something like that..."


The Lokis and (Y/n) were now all sitting around in a circle holding cups of wine. Kid Loki sat in a decorative velvet throne surrounded by giant candy canes. Alligator Loki sat in a small kiddy pool, and everyone was listening to the Lokis tell their stories.

"So, after I vanquished Captain America and Iron Man, I claimed my prize. All six Infinity Stones, and (Y/n) as my Queen." Boastful Loki boasted.

Alligator Loki growled.

"That's alligator for growling and saying 'liar' at the same time." Classic Loki said.

"Well, at least my Nexus Event wasn't eating the wrong neighbor's cat." Boastful Loki insulted.

Alligator Loki snarled and ran out of his pool, trying to attack Boastful Loki while the other Lokis tried to pry him off.

Classic Loki managed to grab him and throw him back in the small pool.

"Tell them your story Loki." Kid Loki requested.

Classic Loki looked at him. "Me? Nobody wants to hear about that."

Loki leaned forward. "I would, actually. It's just I've been wondering, because I'm...Well, we're supposed to die, right? Thanos kills us after Ragnarok."

"Thanos? In my timeline, everything proceeded correctly my entire life, until Thanos attacked our ship." He grumbled.

"So, you didn't try to stab him?"

Classic Loki chuckled. "Certainly not. Take no offense, my friends, but blades are worthless in the face of a Loki sorcery. They stunt our magical potential."

"But they look awesome." Boastful Loki commented.

"Oh, yes. Especially when they clatter to the ground just before you watch your lover die and get your neck snapped." Classic Loki stated firmly.

Everyone grew silent at that.

"I cast a projection of myself so real, even the Mad Titan believed it. Then hid as inanimate debris. After I faked my death, I simply drifted in space. Away from Thor, away from everything. I thought about my place in the universe and it occurred to me that everywhere I went, only pain followed. So, I removed myself from the equation, landed on a remote planet and stayed there in isolation, in solitude for a long, long time. (Y/n) was...well, she was gone...and I didn't see any point in returning." He concluded, his face portraying sadness at the mention of (Y/n).

"How did the TVA find you?" Loki asked.

"I got lonely." He confessed. "To tell you the truth, I missed my brother, and I wondered if he missed me, if anybody else did. And...I wanted to make (Y/n) proud of me. I knew she would've wanted me to live my life rather than just sit and waste away on a planet." He looked down with a small smile. "She was always so considerate like that...but as soon as I took my first steps to getting off the planet, the TVA arrived. Because we my friends, have but one part to play, The God of Outcasts. Nothing more."

He raised his glass, and the other Lokis did as well, taking a drink from their cups.

(Y/n) looked down into hers awkwardly. She knew that all these Lokis must've had their version of her in their timeline, and they all lost her when they were arrested. She felt slightly guilty being around them all with them knowing she had no idea who they were and didn't share any of their memories.

Loki looked around at all of them and shook his head. "I'm going."

(Y/n) looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Going where?"

"Out of this place, out of the Void, back to the TVA. Lokis are good at surviving, but we're also good at escaping. I wager that gives me a decent chance."

"You won't do either, you'll be murdered." Classic Loki told him.

Loki shrugged. "Well, so be it. That was my destiny to begin with."

"You're different. Why?" Kid Loki asked.

"No, I'm not, you see? I'm the same, really. I'm the same as all of you. Have any of you met a woman Variant of us?"

"Sounds terrifying." Classic Loki commented.

"Oh, she is. But that's kind of what's great about her. She's different. She's not trying to take over the TVA, she's trying to take it down. She needs me and (Y/n). Now you said Alioth is what keeps us here. You said it's a living thing. You said it's a shark. Well, if it lives, it dies. So I'm going to kill the shark. I'm gonna kill Alioth, and I could use all the help I can get." Loki declared.

The Lokis all glanced at each other for a moment before they all burst out laughing. They fell back into their seats, clutching their stomachs in amusement.

Loki huffed and stomped away, heading back towards the ladder. "Monsters." He muttered.

(Y/n) stood up and followed after him. "Loki, wait. I'm coming with you."

He turned to her and shook his head. "No, you should stay here. In case something happens. If I find a way out of here, I can come back for you. But if something goes wrong, and I don't make it, at least you'll be safe here."

(Y/n) started to protest. "Loki I can take care of myself."

"I'm not doubting you love. But I care very deeply for you, and would be devastated if anything happened to you. Please, stay here." He requested. He took her hand and placed a light kiss on her fingers. "I shall return for you."

Loki released her hand and climbed up the ladder. He opened the hatch, only to be greeted by several more Variants of himself, including one in a suit that looked just like him, wearing horns on his head and a pin that said 'Loki for President'.

President Loki bent down. "Ah, hello. Which one of us are you?"

Loki sighed. "This is a nightmare."


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